- portal frame mount 门式框架
- Non-linear flexion analysis of the portal frame mounts on the base of considering primary disfigurements 考虑初始缺陷的门式框架的非线性屈曲分析
- The bent frame system and portal frame system are often used for industrial mill buildings. 在工业厂房中,常用的结构体系有排架体系和刚架体系。
- Dynamic characteristics of the portal frame are also identified from the WPT of low frequency signals. 低频的部分则可以进行门形构架的系统识别。
- The portal frames are joined at the top by a cross member. 在门形框架顶部使用一个横撑相连。
- A vehicle consisting of a frame mounted over a single wheel and usually propelled by pedals. 独轮脚踏车一种由装有单轮的机架构成的车辆,通常由脚蹬推动
- Derived from an effective combination of space truss and portal frame, a novel long-span structure named lattice portal frame (LPF) is put forward. 网格状门式剐架结构是结合了立体桁架结构和门式刚架结构受力优点而衍生的一种大跨度结构形式。
- General,X type bracing often be used in TOXON metal building system,but K type bracing and/or Portal frame bracing also be used it is required. 除了最为常用的X型支撑形式以外通晓建筑系统还可提供适合特殊要求的K型或门刚性支撑形式。
- In this setup,a stiff portal frame is adopted,piezoelectric ceramic micro-positioning worktable is employed,and the whole process can be observed by CCD device. 该装置采用龙门固定式结构,具有高精密的压电陶瓷微动工作台,可通过CCD观察整个加工过程;
- Numerical simulation analysis of steel portal frame with tapered members about temperature distribution under fire is carried out by finite element approach. 摘要采用有限元法对门式刚架结构中的变截面梁在局部火灾作用下的温度分布进行了数值模拟分析。
- Portal frame is a familiar type of structure in single-layer factorial building.A lot of factors must be taken into during building for its own characteristics. 门式刚架是目前单层工业厂房中一种常见的结构形式,由于门式刚架自身的特点,在安装时须考虑很多因素。
- The brake wheel is a key part of portal frame crane, and its earlier failure and heat treatment defect during manufacture and use is the key factor, which affects the cost and efficiency. 制动轮是门座式起重机制动装置的关键零件,制动轮在生产制造和使用过程中的早期失效及热处理缺陷是影响生产成本及效率的重要因素。
- Frames mounted on castors for maximum maneuverability. 装有轮子的框架以获得最大机动性。
- As demonstrations, a portal frame subjected to monotonously increasing lateral force, as well as a beam freeing to collide into the ground, was analyzed.Some conclusions were drawn out. 对一门式框架和梁自由下落与地面碰撞分别进行了计算分析。
- Portal frame of light steel structure is a common type of structure iii textile industry building, and many factors must be taken into consideration during its designing for its own characteristics. 摘要门式刚架轻型钢结构是目前纺织工业厂房中一种常见的结构形式,由于纺织工业厂房自身的特点,在设计时须考虑很多因素。
- Our GHF and GHC Series horizontal pumps are available in close coupled or frame mounted arrangements. GVS系列 美国CARVER海洋泵 For general service applications; we offer horizontal and vertical pumps.
- Hopefully, a workaround can be found using perhaps a contact adhesive to secure the grommets in the grille frame mounting holes. 希望能用一种胶能确保把索环粘在网格的衬板孔中。
- It's many years since Mount Vesuvius last erupted. 维苏威火山上一次喷发至今已有很多年了。
- First introduces the instability type of portal frames and educe the curt formula under each instability conditions with traditional computing methods. 首先介绍了刚架失稳类型,并用传统的计算方法得出刚架发生各失稳模式时的简略计算公式,从公式中判断出影响刚架平面内稳定的因素。
- His debts continued to mount up. 他的债务在不断增长。