- Port scan detection with automatic blackholing. 端口扫描关于自动黑洞探测?这里不太理解。
- This paper introduces the port scan and Trojan horse detection model pieces in it. 这里主要介绍其中的端口扫描和木马检测两个模块。
- Port port scan computer program applications and the role of development, for reference. 计算机端口扫描端口程序应用和开发的作用;供参考.
- Firewalking is a method of disguising port scans. 趟火墙是一种伪装端口扫描的方法。
- The full text explain in detail with principle of the TCP connection, principle of the WINSOCK, the basic principle of the port scan and the scan method . 全文对TCP建立连接的原理,WINSOCK原理,端口扫描技术的基本原理和扫描方式都进行了比较详细的介绍。
- The pattern shows itself in various ways, such as a port scan to a range of hosts or modified TCP packets that are distributed throughout a victim network. 攻击模式有多种的表现形式。例如:扫描主机一个范围的端口,或是在受害网络上传播的经过修改的TCP包。
- Combined coded remote-administrative service with SSL secure port scan, anonymous routing and third-party plugin inbuilt for quick and automatic "scan and install" process. 集成了远程管理服务,服务带有SSL安全端口扫描、匿名路由,用于快速自动“扫描并安装”处理的内嵌的第三方插件。易于使用,能穿过防火墙工作,使用1024位强密码。
- Port scanner, superfast, subminute scan tens of thousands of ports. 说明:端口扫描器,速度超快,分分钟可以扫描数万个端口。
- The simplest form of a TCP port scan is to open a connection to all ports on a host. TCP端口扫描的最简单形式是打开一个到主机所有端口的连接。
- A light-weight port scanner with BSD-derived operating systems in mind. 一台轻量级端口扫描器想着BSD获得的操作系统。
- This source code is the local and remote machines Dongdong good port scanner. 这个源代码是本机和远程机器的端口扫瞄的好东东。
- It is very useful and necessary to research the ports scan technology for cope with net inbreak effectively. 为了有效地对付网络入侵行为,对端口扫描进行研究是非常有益和必要的。
- WEB,NIS, DNS, CGI and OS attempting attacks, UDP/TCP ports scan and probe , buffer overflow attack, IP deception attack and etc. guarder为一基于网络的入侵检测系统,能够识别约1290种攻击,例如DoS、DDoS、FTP、Web、NIS、DNS、CGI、OS尝试攻击,UDP/TCP端口扫描和秘密的端口扫描,缓冲区溢出攻击,IP欺骗攻击等。
- Perform a port scan on the local area network 在本地局域网中进行端口扫描
- Port scanning or security scanning is expressly prohibited unless prior notification to InfoSec is made. 10、 除非预先向信息安全部门通告,否则端口扫描和安全扫描是明令禁止的。
- Advanced TCP Port Scan and Its Response TCP端口的高级扫描及其响应
- distributed detection of port scan 分布式端口扫描检测
- In this section, I ll discuss a form of port scanning used by attackers that may not be detected so easily by the target host. 在本节中,我将讨论攻击者所使用的一种端口扫描形式,它不会被目标主机轻易地侦测到。
- The doctors gave him an ultrasonic brain scan. 医生给他做了脑部超声波扫描检查。
- The procedure may involve port scans on servers and firewalls, audits of security fixes, and third-party penetration tests. 此过程可能涉及服务器和防火墙上的端口扫描、安全修复程序审核和第三方渗透测试。