- When was this port open to service? 那这座港口是什么时候开港的呀?
- Type 0- Full round port opening offering minimum pressure loss conditions. 类型0-全圆形端口开启度,压降损失最小。
- Type 7- 70% port opening, particularly suitable where small pressure drop is desirable. 类型7-70%25端口开启度,特别适用于需要小压降的应用场合。
- Connection with India, Nepal, Bhutan and Mynamar the southwestern area is the important port opening to the southeastern and southern Asia. 西南地区与印度、尼泊尔、不丹、缅甸等国接壤,是我国向东南亚和南亚开放的重要口岸;
- With the Jiujiang port opening and trading after the Second Opium Wars, real and comprehensive Jiangxi modem foreign trade gave rise to. 摘要伴随着第二次鸦片战争后九江的开埠通商,真正完整意义上的江西近代对外贸易产生了。
- Basuo port belong to the deepwater natural harbor and the national first-class port which is the early important trade port opening to the outside world in Hainan province. 八所港属深水天然良港、国家一类口岸,是海南省对外开放较早的重要贸易口岸。
- Now we have a service domain with a number of ports open for service requests. 现在,我们的服务域中已经有几个可供请求的端口。
- When a docking port opens, an arm ( a cylindrical corridor ) deploys and connects to the station. 对接口打开时,会有一条机械臂(内有环形通道)伸出并与空间站对接。
- As the seat rode to the top of the rails, a port opened and gas ignited the rocket, blasting Stricklin fully out of the cockpit like a Roman candle. 弹射座椅滑行到导轨顶端时,出口被打通,气体点燃,发动火箭推力装置,象发射一座罗马烛台一样把斯特里克林完全“炸”出驾驶舱。
- If you leave all ports open, you're leaving a lot of options for a cracker who wants to break into your network. 如果你离开所有的端口开启,你正在为一个想要闯入你的网络的破坏者留下许多选择项。
- Yokohama Port Opening Commemorative Bazaar 横滨开港纪念义卖集会
- You do not need any more ports open to install Exchange Server 2003 or Exchange 2000 Server on the external computer. 在外部计算机上安装Exchange Server 2003或Exchange 2000 Server时,您无需打开任何其他端口。
- Our ship left port and headed out to sea. 我们的船离开港口向大海驶去。
- Logon authentications will succeed with these ports open between your clients and their domain controllers. 随著客户机和网域控制器间的埠打开,登录验证将成功。
- Logon authenticatio will succeed with these ports open between your clients and their domain controllers. 随着客户机和域控制器间的端口打开,登录验证将成功。
- The lights in the harbour guided the ship to port. 海港的灯引导船只进入港口。
- We went ashore when the boat reached the port. 船一靠港我们就上岸了。
- The port of Dover is England's gateway to Europe. 多佛港是英国进入欧洲的大门。
- The small port has developed into a big city. 该小港市已发展成为一个大城市。
- This paper presents mainly the method of porting open source embedded RTOS uC/OS-II to DSP(TMS320LF2407A),which is a popular microcontroller. 主要研究了源代码开放的嵌入式实时操作系统uC/OS-II在目前比较流行的DSP(TMS320LF2407A)上移植的方法.