- Shipowner refuse as port facilities extremely poor try Panama or Greek. 因港口设备极为简陋,船主拒绝,请另选巴拿马船或希腊船。
- The safety of marine traffic and operations of port facilities were protected by taking appropriate marine traffic measures. 海事处采取适当的海上交通措施,从而保障海上交通安全和港口设施的运作。
- One of its main tasks is to determine what port facilities will be needed and to advise on the best means of ensuring that they are ready on time. 该局其中一项主要职责,是决定未来所需的港口设施,并就如何确保这些设施准时投入服务,提供意见。
- We have proposed a series of measures to attract more vessels to use our port facilities. 我们已提出一系列措施,吸引更多船只使用香港港口。
- Advice from users and operators of port facilities is an important element in port administration. 港务管理的要素,是吸纳港口设施使用者和经营者的建议。
- These Utapauns control the planetary government and administer the port facilities in the sinkhole cities. 这些尤塔帕人掌管着行星政府,管理每个灰岩坑城市的港口设施。
- Despite the upgrading of mainland China port facilities,Hong Kong is likely to remain the hub port for the region well into the next century. 尽管中国内地的港口设施有所改进,在下一世纪,香港仍会是亚太区的枢纽港口。
- Matching supply of port facilities with demand will,hence,ensure economic growth and optimize employment opportunities for the community. Growth forecasts are,therefore,important. 若港口设施的供应与需求能互相配合,便可确保本港经济继续增长和提高就业机会,因此预测未来增长实属重要。
- There are detailed regulations in our port facility security plan. 我们的港口保安计划中对此做了详细的规定。
- Ensure port facility security to satisfy relevant requests. 确保本港口设施保安人员符合相关要求;
- Ensure the port facility security to abtain enough training. 确保本港口设施保安工作人员获得充分的培训;
- I often study ISPS code as a port facility security officer. 作为港口设施保安员我平常经常学习。
- When forces of Liberation entered Greece,they found that the retreating Germans had destroyed virtually all the rai1ways,roads,port facilities,communications,and merchant marine. 当解放大军进入希腊后,发现溃退的德军实际上已经毁坏了所有的铁路、公路、港口设施、通讯和商船。
- Have you contacted the port facility security officer? 你已经和港口设施保安员联络过吗?
- Haitong terminal, with 219.4m berth length and 13.2m water depth, enjoys good port facilities and transportation advantages, and could receive Ro-Ro vessels of various kinds. 海通码头泊位长219.;4米,前沿水深13
- For example, submarine flow failures carried away large sections of port facilities at Seward, Whittier, and Valdez, Alaska, during the 1964 Prince William Sound earthquake. 例如,在1964年威廉王子湾地震中,水下的流动塌陷卷走了Seward,Whittier,Valdez和Alaska的大量设施。
- By applying computer technique for maintenance and administrationof port facilities in Dalian Port, working efficiency was raised and administration level was improved. 在大连港港口设施维修与管理中应用计算机技术,提高了工作效率与管理水平。
- Marine port facilities generate air, water, and soil pollutants from cargo handling, and from vessel maintenance, fueling, and onshore tanks and storage facilities. 海运港口的各种设施,从货物装卸和船舶维修、加油、岸边的储油槽以及仓储设施等也都对空气、水和土壤造成了一定的污染。
- Our statement of compliance of a port facility certificate is expiring. 我们的港口设施保安符合证书即将到期,已经安排了换证审核。
- I have got the statement of compliance of a port facility certificate ready. 我已经准备好了港口保安符合证书。