- Fly ash grain composition,particle size distribution are the important process parameters that effect the molding of body stock of high content fly ash sintered porous product. 粉煤灰的颗粒组成、粒度分布是影响高掺量粉煤灰烧结空心制品坯料成型工艺的重要参数。
- Xinghua shares (002,109) is the largest ammonium nitrate enterprises, mainly engaged in synthetic ammonia, nitric acid, ammonium nitrate, ammonium nitrate porous products such as wholesale and retail. 兴化股份(002109)是国内最大的硝铵企业,主要从事合成氨、硝酸、硝酸铵、多孔硝铵等产品的批发与零售。
- Any of several tough, porous leather substitutes. 通气性强的塑料几种粗糙的多孔的皮革代用品
- The new product became a goldmine for the company. 该项新产品成了该公司的聚宝盆。
- He added sand to the soil to make it more porous. 他往土里掺了些沙子以提高渗水性能。
- I can't say I'm at all pleased by your product. 我不能说对你们的产品满意。
- I think you may be interested in our new product. 我想贵公司可能会对敝公司的新产品感兴趣。
- A product of a document copying process. 文件复制过程的一种产品。
- The product is on trial in our laboratory. 该产品正在由我们实验室做测试。
- Our pressure vessel is licensed product. 我厂生产的压力容器是授权生产产品。
- The salesman plugged the new product. 那个推销员反覆宣传新产品。
- They detected no defect in the product. 他们没发现产品有任何问题。
- Flower power was a product of the sixties. 戴花嬉皮士的信仰是六十年代的产物。
- In hot weather clothes made of a porous material like cotton are best. 热天穿棉布之类有渗透性的材料做的衣服最为适宜。
- Do you have soft contact lens care product? 有没有软性隐型眼镜保养用品?
- She is the product of a broken home. 她是一个破裂家庭的产儿。
- We decided to advertise our new product. 我们决定为我们的新产品做广告。
- In hot weather cloths made of a porous material like cotton are best. 热天穿棉布之类有渗透性的材料制成的衣服最为适宜。
- It cost a lot of money to develop a product. 要开发一项产品需要花费许多钱。
- The company makes a very reliable product. 这个公司生产的产品非常可靠。