- Keywords electrochemically mediated delignification;coated anode;popular Kraft pulp;XRD analysis; 电化学介体脱木素;涂层阳极;杨木硫酸盐浆;XRD分析;
- popular Kraft pulp 杨木硫酸盐浆
- As a conclusion,the D0(EOP)D1 bleaching sequence is a good choice for the ECF bleaching of bamboo kraft pulp. 综合考虑漂白浆的白度、白度稳定性、强度和对环境的友好性,D0(EOP)D1漂序是硫酸盐竹浆ECF漂白的较佳选择。
- Appropriate rare earth complex was introduced to protect carbohydrates from degradation in oxygen bleaching of unbleached kraft pulp. 硫酸盐木浆氧漂处理中,加入适量的稀土络合物助剂,能起到保护碳水化合物的作用。
- The impact of laccase treatment on the strength of an unbleached kraft pulp was investigated in the paper. 结果表明,经不同处理的针叶木未漂硫酸盐浆其湿抗张强度和湿耐破度均有不同程度的提高。
- The influence of kraft pulp consistency on the reflecting spectrum was studied in detail. 就硫酸盐纸浆浓度对纸浆反射光谱的影响进行了研究。
- A newmethod for the measurement of the kappa number of Kraft pulp with reflecting spectrum is presented. 提出了采用反射光谱测量纸浆卡伯值的新方法。
- The results showed that the conventional continuous cooking could be used to produce kenaf kraft pulp. 进行了硫酸盐法模拟连续蒸煮实验,详细探讨了全秆红麻的制浆性能。
- Effect of amino sulfonic acid on hypochlorite bleaching of masson pine kraft pulp was experimented. 试验了氨基磺酸对马尾松硫酸盐化学木浆次氯酸盐漂白的影响。
- The factors affecting oxygen delignification of fast-growing eucalyptus kraft pulp with kappa number 17. 对卡伯值为17.;1的速生桉木硫酸盐浆进行了氧脱木素各影响因素的研究。
- In this paper, less chlorine bleaching of mixed hardwoods kraft pulp was investigated. 对硬杂木硫酸盐浆的少氯漂白进行了研究。
- In this paper, electron spectroscopy for chemical analysis( ESCA) and electron spin resonance( ESR) were used to observe the changes in surface characteristics of kraft pulp. 本文借助化学分析电子能谱仪(SCA)电子自旋共振波谱仪(SR)研究了硫酸盐木浆稀土助漂时表面性状的变化。
- The unbleached kraft pulp was dealt with a high-shear fiber kneader,moreover,the pulp properties and paper strength properties were measured. 用高剪切纤维离解机对未漂白硫酸盐浆进行处理,并测定了纸浆的性能和浆张物理性能。
- ECF bleaching of the modified kraft pulp (MK) and conventional kraft pulp (CK) of Pinus elliottii was carried out in this study. 对南方湿地松改良硫酸盐法浆(MK浆)和常规硫酸盐法浆(CK浆)进行了ECF漂白的研究。
- The kraft pulp consistency should be higher than2%in order to achieve a good measuring resolution of the reflecting spec... 使用该方法时为了有良好的测量分辨率,硫酸盐纸浆浓度应大于2%25。
- Mill trails of xylanase boosting bleaching of eucalyptus kraft pulp have been carried out in Guangxi Hezhou Pulp &Paper Co. 本文介绍在广西贺纸有限责任公司进行的桉木硫酸盐浆木聚糖酶辅助漂白生产试验。
- The change of surface characteristics of pulp fibers during ozone bleaching of oxygen-delignified birch kraft pulp was analyzed by using ESCA. 用ESCA分析了氧脱木素桦木硫酸盐浆臭氧漂白期间纸浆纤维表面特性的变化。
- A preliminary research was carried out for the medium concentration and low pollution OHQP bleaching process of hemp core kraft pulp. 对大麻芯秆硫酸盐浆OHQP中浓少污染漂白工艺进行了初步研究。
- With the same bleaching sequence and conditions, oxygen_delignified modified kraft pulp(EMCC_O)reached a level of 87.6% ISO brightness. 在相同的漂白流程和条件下;经氧脱木素的桉木改良硫酸盐浆(EMCC_O)可达到87.;6%25ISO的白度
- Laboratory experiment showed that Alus Cremastigyone Burk kraft pulp could be used as one of the components of the newsprint furnish. 实验室配抄新闻纸实验表明,桤木化学浆以适当的比例与含有部分长纤维的废纸脱墨浆等浆种混合配抄可获得令人满意的结果。