- When are you going to pop the question to her? 你什么时候向她求婚?
- Did you ever pop the question to her. 你向她求婚了吗?
- A man is often too bashful to pop the question. 男人往往不好意思求婚。
- Pop the question, settle down and be happy. 向她求婚,把事情定下来并且快快乐乐的。
- She waited for years for him to pop the question. 她等了好多年等他求婚。
- My father popped the question to my mother after knowing'er only two weeks. 我父亲认识我母亲才两个礼拜就正式求婚了。
- The fellow popped the question to the girl, who had refused him so many times. 那小伙子向那位多次拒绝他的姑娘求爱。
- He was ready to pop the question. 他已准备好开口求婚。
- We defer red the question to him. 我们把问题交给他决定。
- When he popped the question to me he said that I was the only one he would love but now, the story is quite different. 他向我求婚时说一辈子只爱我一个人。可是现在呢?情况可大不一样了。
- Sir Francis frankly put the question to him. 柯罗马蒂很坦率地向他提出了这个问题。
- It's out of the question to rebuild the towers. 重建那座塔是不可能的.
- Finally the chair reduced all the questions to one. 最后主席把所有的问题归纳为一个。
- That day Tim popped the question. 那天提姆提出了这个问题。
- B: Either you pop the question or find someone else. 你要不就跟他求婚,要不就换个人吧。
- Let's keep the questions to a minimum. 我们把问题化小吧。
- He has been trying for weeks to pluck up the courage to pop the question . 几星期以来,他一直想鼓起勇气求婚。
- Derry popped the question to her last night 克里昨晚向她求婚
- I want to marry betty,but I can't seem to get up the nerve to pop the question. 我很想与贝蒂结婚,但是,我怎么也鼓不起勇气去求婚啊。
- He has been trying for weeks to pluck up the courage to pop the question. 几星期以来,他一直想鼓起勇气求婚。