- By far, 15 euploid and many aneuploid cytotypes are found in Scilla sinensis polyploid complex, and its cytogeographic distribution has been dipicted. 该复合体含有两个分化明显的基因组,到目前已经发现15种整倍体细胞型以及大量非整倍体细胞型。
- Meanwhile, AFLP, rDNA waxy sequence and four cpDNA sequences were employed to clearify the relationships between C. reticulata polyploid complex and its related species. 同时为进一步明确滇山茶多倍体复合体与近缘种的关系,利用扩增片段长度多态性分析和序列分析等分子系统学手段对滇山茶多倍体复合体及相关的近缘种进行了研究。
- Polyploid complex is at the initial stage of polyploid evolution.The comparison of diploid and polyploid cytotypes of polyploid complex attributes to the knowledge of polyploid. 多倍体复合体是多倍体产生的原初阶段,许多关于多倍体的认识是建立在对多倍体复合体不同细胞型的比较研究基础上的。
- The results showed that C. pitardii, C. saluenensis, C. semiserrata, C. polyodonta and C. mariei var. lapidea were close related species of C. reticulata polyploid complex. 结果表明:滇山茶多倍体复合体与西南山茶、怒江山茶、石果毛蕊山茶、南山茶和多齿山茶关系较近。
- Multicytotypic Populations of Scilla scilloides Polyploid Complex Found in Jiangxi, China 江西发现绵枣儿多倍体复合体多细胞型混合居群
- Mother and baby interact in a very complex way. 母亲与婴儿以非常复杂的方式相互影响。
- Multicytotypic Populations of Scilla scilloides Polyploid Complex Found in Jiangxi,China 江西发现绵枣儿多倍体复合体多细胞型混合居群(英文)
- Some of them developed a great inferiority complex. 他们有些人养成了严重的自卑感。
- My grandmother has a complex against foreigners. 我奶奶对外国人抱有偏见。
- Life is getting more complex and difficult. 生活正在变得越来越复杂和艰难。
- He has a complex about his weight. 他过分关心自己的体重。
- Complex, intricate, and involved. 复杂的、错综的和涉及的
- A petrochemical complex is to be built here. 这儿将建造一个石油化学联合企业。
- A polyploid species;a polyploid cell. 一种多倍体物种;多倍体细胞
- An airplane engine is a complex mechanism. 飞机引擎是种复杂的机械装置。
- The army is an extremely complex organism. 军队是极其复杂的组织。
- It's a complex question and her answer was too pat. 那问题很复杂,但她的回答简直是脱口而出。
- A car comes into being through a series of complex operations. 汽车经过一连串的复杂作业程序而制成。
- polyploid complex 多倍体复合体
- Initial Study on Polyploid Induction of Asclepias curassavica L. 马利筋多倍体诱导研究初报。