- The polymer film's hydrophile was test with contact angle machine. 利用接触角测试仪分析该聚合膜的亲水性。
- The chemical character and surface profile of the polymer film was studied using FTIR and SEM. 利用红外光谱法(FTIR)、扫描电镜(SEM)对该聚合膜进行了化学成分和表面形貌的分析。
- The commercial product has threes compositions such as polymer film, tracheostomy tube and disposable inner cannula. 目前市售的气管造口器,其主要构造由高分子膜、气管进口管及进食吸管所组成。
- Scanning eletron microscopy shows that the polymer film surface adopts a cauliflower str... 循环伏安图表明聚了基噻吩与聚噻吩具有相近的氧化峰位。
- In this method, the circuitry pattern is written on a thin polymer film with a beam of electrons. 这个方法的电路图案是以电子束写在高分子薄膜上。
- Investigates the influence of various auxiliaries upon the dissolvability of disperse dyes by polymer film forming. 摘要: 利用聚合物薄膜法研究了各种助剂对分散染料在高温下溶解性能的影响。
- Electro-Optic Measurement Utilizing Asymmetric Fabry-Perot Poled Polymer Film[J]. 引用该论文 张大明;衣茂斌;田小建;孙伟;侯阿临.
- It can form a plain panel by biding aluminum material and high polymer film together under constantly high temperature ang pressure. 其原理是铝材(板)芯材与高分子膜在连续高热高压作用下牢固的粘合,形成平整板面。
- The techniques of preparing PMMA /DR1 periodic waveguide on polymer film by photobleaching method have been studied in this paper. 从理论和实验上研究了用光漂白的方法实现PMMA/DR1聚合物周期性波导,并制备了光栅耦合器。
- Study on Long-time Optical Storage Based on Photoinduced Birefringence in Azobenzene Side-chain Liquid Crystal Polymer Film[J]. 引用该论文 王沛;明海;章江英;鲁拥华;谢建平;刘键;卢勇;张其锦.
- Waterproof and breathable polymer film and coatings are permeable to water vapour molecules and not to permit water droplets to penetrate through them. 防水可呼吸性是指聚合物薄膜及涂层不允许水滴透过,同时却要保证水蒸汽分子自由透过,达到防水可呼吸的目的。
- Effect of monomer concentration, initiator, cross-linking agent and other factors such as polymerization temperature on the property of acrylate polymer film was discussed. 讨论了单体浓度、引发剂、交联剂以及聚合温度等因素对皮革填充用丙烯酸酯类聚合物乳液性能的影响。
- By measuring PMMA polymer film with this system and other domestic ellipsometries. it is presented that the experimental data from the former is more reliable. 通过实际测量聚合物PMMA改性薄膜,并与国内椭偏仪实测数据进行对比分析,表明本系统的实验数据更为可信。
- Conjugated polymer light-emitting electrochemical cell (LEC) is a new type of light-emitting devices,which is composed of a thin polymer film sandwiched between two electrodes. 共轭聚合物发光电池是最近出现的一种新型电致发光器件,它是由两个电极和夹在其间的一层共轭聚合物发光材料和聚合物固体电解质的复合膜所组成。
- Study was made of synthesis of film forming material for glass microballoon emulsion coating and influence of various factors on polymer film performance is described. 研究了玻璃微珠乳胶涂料成膜物的合成,叙述了各种因素对聚合物涂膜性能的影响。
- The property of Rhodamine B was examined in hydrochloric and Trifluoromethyl sulfonic acid,and the standard working curves in thin polymer film were set up. 用紫外分光光度计分别测量盐酸、三氟甲磺酸在不同浓度时罗丹明B特征吸收的变化,选取酸浓度与罗丹明的特征吸收的变化量呈线性关系的线段部分作为标准工作曲线。
- Measuring method of reactant diffusion coefficient in polymer film was introduced. This would provide potent guidance for researching reaction mechanism. 介绍了反应物在聚合物膜中扩散系数的测定方法。对于聚合物修饰电极上反应机理的研究提供了有力的指导。
- That was infinitely better than his last film. 这比他上一部电影不知胜过多少倍。
- Attenuated total reflectance(ATR)-FTIR is widely used due to its distinct advantage in studies of polymer films. 红外光谱是聚合物研究中常用的一种表征手段,而衰减全反射红外光谱(ATR-FTIR)更是由于在研究聚合物薄膜方面具有显著的优势而被广泛使用。
- If the polymer films are formed on non-wettable substrates, they should exist in a metastable state. 对于不能在基体表面上铺展的聚合物膜,当处于其玻璃化温度以上时,聚合物熔体膜将破裂,出现非连续区域。