- polyadic modal logic 多元模态逻辑
- See also deontic logic, modal logic. 亦请参阅deontic logic、modal logic。
- The book contains an excellent discussion of modal logic. 这本书包含了有关模态逻辑的精彩探讨。
- There exists the similar relation between the necessitation and modal logic. 对必然化规则和模态逻辑系统来说有类似的结果。
- Monadic Boolean algebras also have an important connection to modal logic. 一元布尔代数还与模态逻辑有重要联系。
- His theory is consistent and Quine's criticism of modal logic is untenable. 其理论是融贯的,奎因对模态逻辑的批评是不成立的。
- Historical development of modal logic passed the syntactic period,the classic period,and the modern period. 模态逻辑的历史发展经历了语形时期、经典时期和现代时期;
- As a new and developing academic subject,modal logic has produced many modal systems which stem from diverse sources. 模态逻辑作为一个新兴的逻辑学科,产生了非常之多的模态系统,这些系统的起源是多元的;
- Descartes axiom and wisdom axiom in knowledge logic are isombrphic, both of which are corresponding to axiom E in modal logic. 笛卡尔公理与知道逻辑中的智慧公理(格拉底公理)逻辑上是同构的,它们均对应于模态逻辑中的E公理。
- The modal logic S5, viewed as a theory in S4, is a model of monadic Boolean algebras in the same way that S4 is a model of interior algebra. 模态逻辑 S5,被看作 S4 中一个理论,是一元布尔代数的模型,如同模态逻辑 S4 是内部代数的模型。
- Descartes axiom and wisdom axiom in knowledge logic are isomorphic, both of which are corresponding to axiom E in modal logic. 笛卡尔公理与知道逻辑中的智慧公理(格拉底公理)逻辑上是同构的,它们均对应于模态逻辑中的E公理。
- Development in computer science radically changed some expectancy of what modal logic could use for and how they were to be applied. 在模态逻辑的现代时期,计算机科学的发展从根本上改变了人们对模态逻辑能够用来干什么以及模态逻辑如何付诸运用的期待。
- Next, through discussing three main kinds of philosophical problems of modal logic, the dissertation holds that essentialism is central to the philosophical problems of modal logic. 随后,通过对三类主要的模态逻辑哲学问题的讨论,文章认为本质主义是模态逻辑哲学问题的关键所在。
- On one end of the spectrum are powerful frameworks such as Hoare logic, algebraic specification languages, modal logics, and denotational semantics. 在涉及面的一端是强大的框架,像Hoare逻辑、代数规范语言、模型逻辑和形式语义学。
- We can construct ME by using the technical methods in modal logics to define general valid formulae. 我们可仿造真性模态逻辑的技术方法定义普遍有效式,构造极小正规认知系统ME。
- The rnodal axioms in a modal logical system describe its logical characteristic of necessity from another respect. 同时,模态系统中的模态公理,从另一个侧面对该系统中的“必然性”概念的逻辑特性作了描述。
- the modal logic of obligation and permissibility. 讨论义务与权容的模态逻辑。
- The disagreement between modal logic and the double negative construction of the necessity modals originates in the semantic misplacement. 必要性或必然性模态句的双重否定结构在模态逻辑上所出现的不对应现象源于否定词的语义错位。
- At this point your logic is at fault. 在这一点上你的推理是错误的。
- A.M.S Boethius' modalities originated directly from the ancient times, particularly from Aristotle's modalities' logic. 摘要波爱修斯的模态逻辑直接来自古代,特别是亚里士多德的模态逻辑。