- He is always politically correct. 他政治上总是正确的。
- Our culture has even made "failure"a politically correct word. 我们的社会甚至将“失败”这个词语用来粉饰许多错误。
- Spin Governments elected nobody votes Politically correct isn't that a joke? 政府换届选举,可是没人投票。政治上的修正只是个玩笑吗?
- Tina: Here's a funny one. What's the politically correct way to say "dead"? 这有一个很有趣的词汇,“死”这个词以高雅用语应该怎样说?
- David: It's called the Official Politically Correct Dictionary and Handbook. 叫官方政治高雅用语辞典和手册。
- That is the politically correct position for him to take, but I suspect that he has private doubts. 对他来说,这是政治正确的立场,不过我猜想他心里多少仍有点疑惑。
- In his latest book, Lee Kuan Yew fearlessly expresses his ideas, seeking "to be correct, not politically correct. 在回忆录中,李光耀无畏地表达了他的想法,力争做到"凡事正确,但却不是政治上正确"。
- Savant syndrome, then, is a case where the politically correct euphemism “differently abled” has real meaning. 那么,政治上将学者综合症委婉地成为“与众不同”,还是有一番道理。
- The academically and politically correct response is to welcome this trend with open arms. 学术和政治上正确的回应该是张开双臂来欢迎这一趋势。
- "The term politically correct, itself, is now politically correct," the GLM said, adding "be careful how you use it". 全球语言监测机构说:“‘政治上正确’这个词本身现在在政治上也正确了”,“但在运用时要小心”。
- Integrity means you do what you do because it's right and not just fashionable or politically correct. 为人诚实意味着去做你应该做的事,因为那是对的,而不是因为合乎潮流或迎合了政治上的需要。
- In these litigious, politically correct times, the perils of making cheap gags can be considerable. 在这种动辄法庭上见、政治上正确的时代,讲低级笑话可能会相当危险。
- It's not about being politically correct or hyper-sensitive. It's about doing the right thing. 这不是要我们政治正确或者高度敏感。这是关于做正确的事。
- Be forewarned, gentle reader, this book is definitely not politically correct, and worse, it could turn around a boy's life. 事先提醒一句,尊敬的读者,这本书绝对犯了政治错误,更有甚者,它可能改变一个男孩的一生。
- "The worst kind of fashion disaster is banality and conformity.The biggest source of boredom is the obsession to be politically correct. 最可怕的时装灾难是陈腐和千篇一律;讲求政治式的正确是无聊的最大成因.
- I hate overly politically correct expressions.I totally resent it when people call me "a cosmetically challenged person."Shut up! I'm ugly.I'm a dog.Thank you! 我讨厌过于拐弯抹角的表现。每当有人说“你在化妆方面有待提高”时,我就会非常愤怒。闭嘴!我是丑啊!我是个丑女。谢谢你!
- As you can clearly see, mu hairline IS receding.But I don't want you guys telling me that I'm hairdisadvantaged. I HATE politically correct expressions. It's patroinizing! 你可以清楚的看到,我发际正在逐渐后退。不过请你别告诉我,说我只是头发受损而已。我讨厌拐弯抹角的表现。简直是把人当傻瓜嘛!
- David: That's right. Every entry comes from a published source, although the authors did make up funny example sentences with the politically correct terms. 对,每一个词汇的释义都出自一些已经发表的出版物,尽管编者确实加进许多典型的高雅用语范例!
- Like England's Elizabeth I, Christina (Greta Garbo) is pressured into a politically correct marriage (her cousin) but she falls in love with an emissary from Spain (John Gilbert). 两人结交成好友之后,女王才表明真正身份,二人以情侣关系共渡两天缠绵时光。
- One sees values touted as a sort of method one for ethical behaviour, a politically correct form of "harm minimsation", when the discussion strays into morality and character. 当论及道德和个性时,人们把受赞扬的价值视为阐释道德行为的一种方法,是“危害最小化”的一种政治修正方式。