- National morality is rooted in the political structure. 国家的道德水准以政治结构为基础。
- Both of our political structures were copied from the Soviet model. 我们两国原来的政治体制都是从苏联模式来的。
- That is why we have to reform both our economic and political structures. 因此,经济体制要改革,政治体制也要改革。
- As it stands,our political structure is not adapted to the current situation. 现在看,我们的政治体制不能适应形势。
- Many roots of education'problem are society and political structure. 许多教育问题的根源存在于社会和政治结构。
- As it stands, our political structure is not adapted to the current situation. 现在看,不搞政治体制改革不能适应形势。
- The second objective of political structural reform is to eliminate bureaucratism and increase efficiency. 第二个目标是克服官僚主义,提高工作效率。
- The reform of the political structure covers both democracy and the legal system. 政治体制改革包括民主和法制。
- The reform of the political structure and the reform of the economic structure are interdependent and should be coordinated. 政治体制改革同经济体制改革应该相互依赖,相互配合。
- But we can reform our political structure only on condition that we adhere to the Four Cardinal Principles. 我们的政治体制改革是有前提的,即必须坚持四项基本原则。
- When we first raised the question of reform we had in mind,among other things,reform of the political structure. 我们提出改革时,就包括政治体制改革。
- The Basic Law has also established the framework for the democratic evolution of our political structure. 《基本法》又订立纲领,定下本港政治体制发展民主的步伐。
- This is a question of the relations between the Party and the government,of the political structure of the country. 这是一个党和政府的关系问题,是一个政治体制的问题。
- We have decided to reform our political structure in the light of realities in China. 我们现在提出政治体制改革,是根据我国的实际情况决定的。
- However,in reforming our political structure we must not imitate the West,and no liberalization should be allowed. 然而在政治结构改革中,我们不能模仿西方国家也绝不能搞自由化。
- Moreover, the spokesman said that the political structure in Hong Kong already had a strong democratic element. 发言人说,香港的政治体制已具备相当的民主成分。
- Understands the current political structure of the organization and how it works. Desired behavior. 掌握公司现在的权力结构及运作机制。
- Some people say that we are reforming only our economic structure and not our political structure. 说我们只搞经济体制改革,不搞政治体制改革
- However, in reforming our political structure we must not imitate the West, and no liberalization should be allowed. 在改革中,不能照搬西方的,不能搞自由化。
- All three branches of our political structure, the Executive, the Legislative, and the Judiciary have all been functioning normally. 我们政治架构内的行政、立法和司法机关,一直运作如常。