- Idealism that was alloyed with political skill. 伴有政治手腕的理想主义
- McClellan draws a portrait of Bush as possessing "personal charm, wit and enormous political skill. 镶嵌艺术地板地板木质上乘,风格独特,他们对在中国与欧典的合作非常有信心。
- This position involves implementation of drastic change in a 50-year old recently privatized SOE. It therefore requires patience, political skill and a strong sense of adventure. 该职位需要在一家具有50多年历史、最近完成私有化的国企内实施剧烈的变革。因此需要耐心、政治技巧和强烈的冒险精神。
- That Mrs Merkel is still favourite to win re-election as chancellor, whether in another grand coalition or with the liberal Free Democratic Party (FDP), is a tribute to her political skill. 但是她依然会被看好在今年大选连任联邦总理,可能是另一个大联盟政府或者与自民党(FDP)联合执政,这只能归功于她的政治技巧。
- The small number of opposition candidates and constituencies contested was also a key reason why the PAP was able to display its political skills with finesse. 而反对党参选范围小,人数少,则是行动党在变化战术上能够如此得心应手的关键因素。
- This one politic skill is uncommon, obtained certain result, the beer of this brand comparatives in the sale of those bar hot. 这一策略出手不凡,取得了一定的效果,该品牌的啤酒在那些酒吧的销售相当火爆。
- A former roommate, who worked with Gibbs on Capitol Hill, says he combines topnotch political skills with a quick wit. 一名在国会山上与吉布斯合作的前室友说他有一流的政治技巧和快速反应的智慧。
- Van Buren earned these nicknames for his resourceful political skills and cunning ability to land on the winning side of political controversy. 范布伦因为个人擅于运用政治技巧、且总是能在政治争议中灵巧地与胜利方为伍,而获得这样的昵称。
- He has outdone all his rivals in skill. 他在技巧方面胜过所有的对手。
- A small organization, business or nonbusiness, has as its major objective/advantage tractability, with relatively simple problems requiring less demand for political skills. 小的组织、生意或非生意,有当做它的主要目的/利益驯良, 藉由需要对政治技巧的比较少的要求的相对简单的问题。
- As a lightweight his skill is of the highest order. 作为轻量级拳击手,他的技术是第一流的。
- Match your skill against the experts in this quiz. 在这一测验中你与专家较量一下技巧吧。
- I can only marvel at your skill. 我对你的技术只有感到惊叹。
- The surgeon cut away the tumour with expert skill. 外科大夫用熟练的技术把肿瘤切去。
- The right to dissent is part of our political system. 有持异议的权利是我们政治体制的组成部分。
- I shall say my admiration for your skill is great. 我想说我对您的技术是十分钦佩的。
- The riot can be considered a symptom of political instability. 这次暴动可看作是政治上不稳定的征兆。
- The operation was a marvel of medical skill. 这个手术是医术的一个非凡范例。
- His political ideas are rather extreme. 他的政治思想相当极端。
- Making small models requires manual skill. 制作小模型要手巧。