- Judges must be independent of political pressure. 法官们一定不能受政治压力的影响。
- The Ombudsman is not subject to political pressure. 司法特派员不受任何政治压力的制约。
- The army exert strong political pressure on the president. 军队给总统施加强大政治压力。
- As political pressure for reform increases,so too does the heat on Mr Bush. 随着呼吁改革的政治压力不断加大,布什也遭到了越来越猛烈的批评。
- First he applied heavy personal and political pressure on wavering Democrats. 首先,他对动摇不定的民主党人施加个人和政治的重压。
- He should have fought for his rights, but he surrendered to political pressure. 他本应力争自己的权利,但他却屈服于政治压力。
- As political pressure for reform increases, so too does the heat on Mr Bush. 随着呼吁改革的政治压力不断加大,布什也遭到了越来越猛烈的批评。
- Varmus says that political pressure on the NIH is greater than it used to be. 瓦穆斯表示,现在NIH承受的政治压力比以往还大。
- In face of autocratic and political pressure, we will not be silent. 面对强权和专制的各方压力,我们不会噤若寒蝉。
- He should have fought for his rights,but he surrendered himself to political pressure. 他本该为自己的权利而斗争,但是他却屈服于政治压力。
- Political pressure is common, and private trial committees often dictate rulings. 政治压力是稀松平常的,法院内部的审判委员会经常干预判决结果。
- The Bank of Japan yesterday began a two-day policy board meeting amid political pressure not to raise interest rates. 昨日开始召开为期两天的政策会议。该机构正面临不要加息的政治压力。
- The political pressure groups that have benefited from the inflation will insist upon its continuance. 政治上的压力集团则会坚持主张使通货膨胀继续下去。
- I think the Obama administration has succumbed to political pressure and scaremongering by the big banks. 我想奥巴马管理当局已经被政治压力和这些大银行的恐吓压倒了。
- But as casualties mount, political pressure in America to announce a timetable for military withdrawal will intensify. 但随着伤亡人数上升,美国国内要求公布撤军时间表的政治压力,亦将增强。
- I think the Obama administration has succumbed to political pressure and scare-mongering by the big banks. 奥巴马政府可能是在政治的压力和大银行的误导下作出的判断。
- Increasing political pressure for a more flexible renminbi exchange rate in the second half of last year, for example, affected Hong Kong. 举例来说,去年下半年要求内地采纳更灵活的人民币汇率政策的政治压力不断增加,香港亦受到影响。
- The Council can exert diplomatic and political pressure on the parties to a conflict or provide a means for settling the dispute, including fact-finding or mediation missions. 安理会可以对冲突各方施加外交和政治压力,或提供解决冲突的手段--包括派遣事实调查团或调解特派团。
- The imponderable is just how much this retraction in banks' foreign lending owes to political pressure to focus credit on domestic customers. 目前的国际信贷收缩有多少是因为迫于政治压力而将信贷集中于本国客户,这点无关紧要。
- Social and political pressures have also made it difficult to curtail benefits or reduce total public expenditure. 社会和政治的压力也使各国政府难以削减公共福利或降低公共开支总额。