- The experience helped to change her political consciousness. 这一经历使她改变了她的政治立场。
- The people of our country have a high level of political consciousness. 我们国家的人民是有高度的政治觉悟的人民。
- You won't slander the political consciousness of the people of Harlem. 你不会低估哈莱姆区人民的政治觉悟了。
- In this period I began to have a certain amount of political consciousness. 在这个时期,我开始有了一定的政治觉悟。
- In order to be able to fight,the army must raise its political consciousness and train intensively. 军队要能打仗,靠提高政治觉悟,靠勤学苦练。
- Under the regime of the proletariat, our workers have unfailingly displayed high political consciousness and enthusiasm for labour. 在无产阶级政权下面,工人的政治觉悟和劳动积极性一直很高。
- Working in an unemployment office had helped to raise his political consciousness. 在失业办公室工作使他的政治觉悟得到提高。
- As the vanguard of the proletariat, the Party should be a united fighting force with a high level of political consciousness and discipline. 党应该是一个战斗的队伍,是无产阶级的先锋队,应该是统一的、有高度觉悟的、有纪律的队伍。
- "To us," said my informant, "war is an emotional struggle carried on through political consciousness. 他告诉我说:“在我们看来,战争是通过政治觉悟进行的情感的斗争。
- The poetical wisdom just has no political consciousness,this made it degenerated to"cultural research"afterwards. 诗性传统恰恰不具有政治意识,以至于后来止步于“文化研究”,同时也失去了历史意识。
- As the vanguard of the proletariat,the Party should be a united fighting force with a high level of political consciousness and discipline. 党应该是一个战斗的队伍,是无产阶级的先锋队,应该是统一的、有高度觉悟的、有纪律的队伍。
- At this time,the political consciousness of the whole Party,army and people has risen remarkably,as has their ability to distinguish right from wrong. 现在我们全党、全军和全国人民的觉悟水平,对是非的识别能力,大大地提高了。
- But our cadres,particularly the higher ones,must have a high political consciousness and remain absolutely firm on the fundamental issues. 但是我们的干部,特别是高级干部,必须有充分的觉悟,在根本问题上毫不动摇。
- They can be drawn into the co-operatives batch by batch when their political consciousness has risen and they have become interested in co-operatives. 等到他们的觉悟程度提高了,他们对于合作社感到兴趣了,然后再分批地把他们吸收进合作社。
- But our cadres, particularly the higher ones, must have a high political consciousness and remain absolutely firm on the fundamental issues. 但是我们的干部,特别是高级干部,必须有充分的觉悟,在根本问题上毫不动遥
- The Hunan literati had heaven and political consciousness and independent spirits that gave heavy influence on their classical Chinese prose. 湖南士人事功视野中的天下意识、政治自觉和义贞独立之精神对湖湘古文产生了极大影响。
- The political consciousness and modern knowledge expected to be acquired by modern citizens are formed or facilitated by the compulsory education. 一个现代国家的公民所被期望具备的政治意识与现代知识平台,都透过义务教育被打造或被催化。
- All these examples exemplify the close relationships and the interactions between literature and society as well as political consciousness. 这些都足以说明文学与社会政治紧密的相联与互生互动。
- We must first raise the political consciousness of the vanguard so that, resolute and unafraid of sacrifice, they will surmount every difficulty to win victory. 首先要使先锋队觉悟,下定决心,不怕牺牲,排除万难,去争取胜利。
- At this time, the political consciousness of the whole Party, army and people has risen remarkably, as has their ability to distinguish right from wrong. 现在我们全党、全军和全国人民的觉悟水平,对是非的识别能力,大大地提高了。