- A strong desire for political change permeated the country. 要求政治变革的强烈愿望弥漫全国。
- Our age is witnessing a profound political change. 我们的时代是深刻的政治变迁的见证。
- He was dedicated to social and political change. 他致力于社会变革和政治变革。
- You took up arms for political change. 您使用武力来改变政治形势,那不是僵化吗?
- History bears evidence that each momentous political change is usually followed by an economic revival. 历史证明,在每次重大的政治变革之后随之而来的往往是经济上的复兴。
- The Stock Exchange is very sensitive to political change. 证券市场对政局变化非常敏感。
- The election could pave the way for political change. 选举可能为政局的变化做好了准备。
- The shift from unanimity to majority voting is a big political change. 从一致通过到多数通过是一个重大的政治改变。
- Profound political changes have been taking place in the country. 这个国家已经发生了深刻的政治变化。
- The Stock Exchange is sensitive to likely political changes. 证券交易所对潜在的政治变化很敏感。
- So ex-spies had to lie low at the outset of the political change until their position in the new regime became clearer. 所以,在这场政治变动的开头,前间谍不得不采取低姿态,直至他们在这个新政权下的地位变得比较清楚些了。
- That I think is why it takes political change to deal with a crisis as big as this. 这就是我认为的为什么要处理好这么大的一次危机需要政治改革的原因。
- Political change in Jerusalem and indeed throughout the country was accelerated as part of a policy of Europeanization. 作为欧化政策的一部分,耶路撒冷的政治变化事实上遍及整个国家,也在加速中。
- Papering over some of the party's history has helped them too, damping public demands for political change. 对该党某些历史的盖棺定论也帮助他们减少了公众的政改要求。
- He was on his way to a prayer rally organised by the Save Zimbabwe Campaign, a group of political, religious and civic groups pushing for political change. 当时他正在赶往一场祈祷集会的路上,这场集会是由一个名为拯救津巴布韦运动的政治,宗教和市民团体组织的,目的是推动津政治变革。
- But on the other hand, social activism assisted the growth of political change, enabling it to develop its influence by providing venues and agendas. 但是,在另一方面,社会运动藉由场所和议题,也促进政治改革运动,并使它能够发挥较大的影响力。
- The Stock Exchange is sensitive to political changes at home and abroad. 证券交易市场受国内外的政治变化影响很明显。
- After the political change, the magnitude of the problems faced by Georgian society called for immediate action, and not for drafting new documents. 政治改革后,格鲁吉亚社会面对更大的问题,纸上谈兵根本无补于事,反贪工作实在急不容缓。
- Theideal scenario now would be for China and India to join forces with the West indemanding political change in Myanmar. 现在,理想的情况是中国和印度加入西方世界的阵营,要求缅甸发生政治上的改变。
- WATCHING political change in Cuba is usually like looking at a glacier: you know in theory that it must be moving but you never see anything happen. 看古巴的政治变化常常就像在看一条冰河:你知道理论上讲它肯定在移动,但是却看不到任何事情的发生。