- Where's Police Headquarters from here? 从这里怎么到警察总局?
- The policeman was ordered to report to the police headquarters. 这名警察被命令须对警察总部提出报告。
- Taliban briefly captured police headquarters in Logar and Kunduz provinces. 塔利班短时间占领了洛加尔和昆都士两省的警察总局。
- The attackers also openly attacked the police headquarters in Maharashtra. 中英文对照:袭击者还公然进攻马哈拉施特拉邦警察总部。
- Planning has begun for the comprehensive redevelopment of Police Headquarters to improve efficiency and more fully utilise the Arsenal Yard site. 为改善效率和善用警政大楼对开空地,综合重建警察总部的策划已展开。
- Stay on this road until you reach a junction situated adjacent to Tayside Police Headquarters. 儿童和加床政策:欢迎所有年零的儿童。1名4岁及以下的儿童没可能加婴儿床是免费。
- A Planning and Implementation Team was set up at Police Headquarters in January to deal with all security matters relating to the Handover Ceremony and WB/IMF Annual Meetings. 一九九七年一月,警察总部成立策划及执行小组,专责处理所有与交接仪式及世界银行/国际货币基金组织理事会年会有关的保安事宜。
- The Force's computer-based directory enquiry system was upgraded to provide a more efficient response to telephone enquiries made to Police Headquarters. 此外,警队电话查询服务电脑系统经已改良,务求能更快回应致电警察总部的查询。
- According to the Italian news agency Ansa the 32-year-old man showed up at the police headquarters in northern Vercelli and asked to be arrested. 据意大利安莎社报道,这名32岁的男子出现在意大利北部城市维切利的警察总局,要求警方将自己逮捕。
- According to the Italian news agency Ansa the 32-year-old man showed up at the police headquarters in northern Vercelliasked to be arrested. 据意大利安莎社报道,这名32岁的男子出现在意大利北部城市维切利的警察总局,警方将自己逮捕。
- REZA SAYAH: Monita, we can confirm an explosion within the city of Pakistan targeting police barracks, police headquarters in Islamabad. 我们能够确认的是在伊斯兰堡发生了一起针对警察总部警察营的爆炸袭击事件。
- Iraqi interior officials say two car bombs were set off outside police headquarters in the city of Ramadi, which is west of Baghdad. 伊拉克内政部官员称,巴格达西部拉马迪警察局总部外发生两起汽车爆炸事件。
- Applicants who meet the entry qualifications will be invited to attend a Selection Test at the Hong Kong Auxiliary Police Headquarters, No.12 Wang Chiu Road, Kowloon Bay. 符合条件的申请人,将获邀参加在九龙湾宏照道12号香港辅警总部举行的甄选评核试。
- A number of police officers stage protest against the ICAC operations which target at police officers. They petition the Police Commissioner at the Police Headquarters. 警察集会抗议廉署对警务人员进行调查,迳往香港警察总部向警务处处长递交反对廉署请愿书。
- Leopold restaurant, Maharashtra police headquarters in southern Mumbai's GT Hospital, Kama Hospital, south-west of Qiao Padi Beach, also was Ramada Hotel, the gunmen attacked. 中英文对照:利奥波德餐厅、马哈拉施特拉邦警察局总部、孟买南部的GT医院、卡玛医院、西南部的乔帕蒂海滩、拉马达饭店等也遭到枪手袭击。
- Police warded off about 2,000 protesters who marched on Bangkok's police headquarters Friday after law-enforcement officials tried to break up the Government House protest. 上周五,警方阻止了约2,000名示威者向曼谷警察总部的游行。此前,警方试图驱散政府下议院前的示威。
- Planning and Implementation Team was set up at Police Headquarters in January to deal with all security matters relating to the Handover Ceremony and WB/IMF Annual Meetings. 一九九七年一月,警察总部成立策划及执行小组,专责处理所有与交接仪式及世界银行/国际货币基金组织理事会年会有关的保安事宜。
- A suicide bomber rammed a truck loaded with explosives into a police headquarters in Russia's southern republic of Ingushetia Monday, killing 20 people and injuring more than 100. 一名自杀式炸弹杀手星期一开着一辆载有炸药的卡车冲进俄罗斯南部印古什共和国的一个警察局,炸死20人,炸伤100多人。
- They set fire to the police headquarters building and also attacked a court house. Police say at least 15 insurgents were killed in the ensuing gunbattle with security forces. 他们放火焚烧了警察总部,并攻击了一个法院。警察说,在随后与安全部队发生的枪战中至少有15名反叛份子被击毙。
- A police officer from the Police Service of Northern Ireland displays a Taser, during a news conference at Police Headquarters, Belfast, Northern Ireland, on Jan. 11, 2007. 北爱尔兰警局一名警员去年一月十一日,在贝尔法斯特警察总部的一场记者会上,展示一支泰瑟电击枪。