- This review presents the advances in the study on the manner of poisoning,toxicokinetics,toxic effect,poisoning symptom,lethal dose,autopsy findings,and medicolegal inves... 本文结合文献,从中毒方式、毒代动力学、毒理作用、中毒症状、中毒致死量、尸体检查所见、法医学鉴定及鉴别诊断等方面,对铊中毒的法医毒理学研究进展进行综述。
- In this paper the chemical component,tox-ic dose,mechanisms of toxicity,poisoning symptom and pathological changes after strychnos poisoning are reviewed. 本文结合文献,从化学成分、中毒剂量、毒理作用、中毒症状、病理变化等方面,对马钱子的毒理学研究进展进行综述。
- After treated by the mixture of two chemicals, some larvae show the poisoning symptom of hexaflumuron, others are the symptom of RH5849, whereas a few larvae show mixed symptom. 氟铃脲与抑食肼混合处理后,部分试虫呈现氟铃脲的中毒症状,部分试虫则表现抑食肼中毒症状,少量个体两种症状并发。
- From the operation site to peripheries, the values of red edge “blue shifts” have a trend of decreasing markedly, which indicates that the poisoning symptom of iron compounds is reduced gradually. 从工业场地到外围,植被波谱曲线的红边“蓝移”数值有明显变 小的趋势,表明植被铁化合物中毒现象逐渐减轻。
- From the operation site to peripheries, the values of red edge "blue shifts" have a trend of decreasing markedly, which indicates that the poisoning symptom of iron compounds is reduced gradually. 从工业场地到外围,植被波谱曲线的红边“蓝移”数值有明显变小的趋势,表明植被铁化合物中毒现象逐渐减轻。
- Reporter asked: "Why Qualcomm said staff script poisoning symptoms are mild? 记者问:“为何通稿上说员工中毒症状都很轻微?”
- I will give you my reading of the case.The tinned lobster was bad.It accounted for the poisoning symptoms. 我分析给你看看,那罐龙虾坏了,就是因为里面放了砒霜。
- If fed oleander by accident, the infant can appear namely vomiting, bellyacke, insensible wait for a variety of virulent poisoning symptoms. 要是误食了夹竹桃,婴幼儿即会出现呕吐、腹痛、昏迷等种种急性中毒症状。
- Results Sodium bicarbonate neutralixed poisongas H2S and SO2 in anchovy.The poisoning symptoms of nerve system and respiratory system were relieved. 结果能迅速中和鳀鱼蛋白中的有害气体硫化氢和二氧化硫,减轻对神经系统、呼吸系统的影响。
- In order to prevent food poisoning evoked by ciguatoxin, the sources, chemical structure, properties, poisoning symptoms and the hazard to humans of ciguatoxin were summarized. 为给预防雪卡毒素引起的食物中毒提供借鉴,对雪卡毒素的来源、化学结构和性质、引起中毒的症状和对人类的危害进行了综述。
- Based on the review and analysis of the toxicity,toxic mechanism,poisoning symptoms of UDMH,the authors suggest that health care,nutrition care, strengthen environment inspect... 本文对偏二甲肼的急慢性毒性、吸收途径、中毒症状、中毒机制及代谢作了综述,并在此基础上提出长期低剂量接触人员的安全防护措施。
- The riot can be considered a symptom of political instability. 这次暴动可看作是政治上不稳定的征兆。
- In addition to the above moderate symptoms of poisoning symptoms things consciousness cover mouth. Nose. Tracheal secretions more hands trembled, muscle twitching, arrhythmia, had some difficulty breathing. 中度中毒症状除上述症状外还出现意识朦胧;口.;鼻
- Benzene carbonhydrates if absorbed that could compromise the human nervous system and hematopoiesis, vomiting, insomnia, anovexia, lomestic, leukopenia, susceptible, and so benzene poisoning symptoms. 苯类物质如果被人体吸收,会损害人体的神经系统和造血功能,引起呕吐、失眠、厌食、乏力、白细胞降低、抵抗力下降等苯中毒症状。
- He thinks pornography is poison to young minds. 他认为色情会腐蚀年轻人的心灵。
- A fever is a symptom of illness. 发烧是生病的症状。
- The arrows had been tipped with poison. 这些箭的箭头上都蘸上了毒药。
- Someone tried to poison our dog. 有人想毒杀我们的狗。
- This demonstration was a symptom of discontent among the students. 这次示威表明学生中有不满情绪。
- The poison has passed into his system. 毒物已进入他的体内。