- He antidoted the poison with quick medication. 他迅速地用药物解毒。
- The man was poisoned with hemlock. 这个人被用从毒芹提取的毒药毒死了。
- To replace thought with revery is to confound a poison with a food. 以梦想代思想,便是把毒物和食物混为一谈。
- The soup is poisoned with too much salt. 这汤放了太多盐而不能吃了。
- That cow was poisoned with pesticide. 那头牛被杀虫剂害死了。
- The soil bas been poisoned with chemical waste from the factory. 工厂里排出的化学废物污染了土壤。
- Our soil has been poisoned with chemical waste from that factory. 我们的土壤已经被那家工厂排出的化学废弃物污染了。
- The soil has been poisoned with chemical waste from the factory. 土壤被工厂排出的化学废物污染了。
- White lead was listed as poisons with antidotes about A. 这些文字说明了铅中毒在古罗马非常普遍。
- The arrows had been tipped with poison. 这些箭的箭头上都蘸上了毒药。
- To set a thief to catch a thief, that is what we call "combat poison with poison". 叫小偷去抓小偷,这就叫 “以毒攻毒”。
- Nero's predecessor, Claudius, was allegedly poisoned with mushrooms or alternatively poison herbs. 据说,尼禄的前辈克劳狄乌斯不是使用蘑菇,就是用有毒药草下毒。
- Thought is the labor of the intellect, reverie its pleasure. To replace thought with reverie is to comfound poison with nourishment. 思想是智能的劳动,逸乐是智能的享受。以逸想代替思想,只不过是把毒药误作营养物。
- To avoid bait shyness, poisons with novel tastes must constantly be employed. 为了避免诱饵胆怯,必须不断的开发新的味道的毒药。
- Cosmetic makers who use this stuff hope that you'll connect the Botox poison with snake poison and figure both must work wonders on wrinkles. 使用这一材料的化妆品制造者希望你会结合肉毒毒素和蛇毒,并认为这二者对于对抗皱纹都有着神奇的效果。
- Love is a kind of disease and hower laws are useless for curing this kind of disea-ses. (We have to use love to cure love, to combat poison with poison. 爱情是一种疾病,面对疾病法律是没有作用的。(我们只能用爱情治愈爱情,以毒攻毒了。)
- I am a hundred percent in agreement with you. 我百分之百同意你的看法。
- Don't let your temper run away with you. 要控制住自己,不要发脾气。
- Love is a kind of disease. Confronting with disease, law becomes ineffective. (We can only cure love by love, that is the same with combating poison with poison. 爱情是一种疾病,面对疾病法律是没有作用的。(我们只能用爱情治愈爱情,以毒攻毒了。)
- I have a huge pile of letters to deal with. 我有一大堆信件要处理。