- He finished only one point ahead. 结束的时候他仅领先一分。
- David just about won the game: he finished only one point ahead. 这场比赛大卫差一点赢不了,结束的时候他仅领先一分。
- The official poll has him eight points ahead. 在官方投票中,他以8个百分点的优势领先。
- Australia finished 20 points ahead. 澳大利亚队终局领先20分。
- Hamilton won and is now 21 points ahead of me. 汉密尔顿赢了,并领先我21个积分。
- The Italian team is 3 points ahead of the English one. 意大利队领先英国队3分。
- Pei Ewing to 657 points ahead of good results by taking University. 尤文沛以657分的好成绩被北京大学提前录取。
- The Bianconeri are still top of the table, one point ahead of Napoli, despite the slip-up at Mantova’s Stadio Martelli on Saturday. 尽管输掉了周六的比赛,但尤文目前仍然排在榜首,以一分的优势领先那不勒斯。
- The Bianconeri are still top of the table, one point ahead of Napoli, despite the slip-up at Mantova's Stadio Martelli on Saturday. 尽管输掉了周六的比赛,但尤文目前仍然排在榜首,以一分的优势领先那不勒斯。
- He pointed ahead through the haze to a darker smudge on the horizon. 他向前指着,穿过层层薄雾,指向地平线上一个小黑点。
- That puts them one point ahead. 这使他们领先一分。
- Inter Milan moved sixteen points ahead at the top of Serie A after beating Livorno 2-1. 国际米兰队以2-1击败利沃诺队后,在甲A 联赛中以领先16分的优势位居榜首。
- Jim the champion seemed to end up two to three points ahead just about every night. 冠军杰姆好象每晚总是以二,三分的优势结束比赛。
- Henry also reflected on Arsenal's close finish in fourth position, just2 points ahead of arch-rivals Tottenham. 亨利也对阿森纳最终领先托特纳姆热刺2分而位居积分榜第四发表了看法。
- The game is all but in the bag.We've ten points ahead and their best player has fouled out. 比赛取胜是十拿九稳的了。我们领先十分,而且他们最好的球员因犯规而下场。
- Juventus, who lead the table with 39 points ahead of Napoli and Bologna, will host Rimini at the Stadio Olimpico on Saturday. 尤文图斯在积分版上以39个积分领先那不勒斯和博洛尼亚;将在周六都灵奥林匹克球场迎战里米尼.
- The Scuderia continues to top the Constructors' table, fourteen points ahead of BMW. 法拉利依然占据车队积分榜的首位,领先宝马车队十四分。
- In the lunchtime kick-off Manchester United swipe Bolton 4-1 to go nine points ahead of us again. 在午餐时间开赛的曼联以4-1重击博尔顿,并再次领前我们九分。
- At this point your logic is at fault. 在这一点上你的推理是错误的。
- After Canada the scores in the constructors' championship were 121 to 87, with Renault 34 points ahead. 在加拿大站比赛之后,车队积分榜上的两队积分是121比87。雷诺车队领先了34分。