- Her poetry is full of obscure literary allusions. 他的诗里用了很多晦涩的文学典故。
- Poetry of Obscurity: New Theory of Poetics on Individual Internality 朦胧诗:个体内在性诗学新论
- Her poetry is full of obscure literary allusion. 她的诗歌到处可见晦涩的文学典故.
- You do not understand the poetry of life. 你不懂得生活的诗意。
- The poetry of earth is never dead. 大地的诗歌从来不会死亡。
- You don't understand the poetry of life. 你不懂得生活的诗意。
- You find this sort of obscurity too often in modern philosophers. 在现代哲学中,你会发现这种晦涩朦胧太多了。
- This sort of obscurity you find too often in modern philosophers. 在现代哲学家中,你会发现这种晦涩朦胧太多了。
- poetry of obscurity 朦胧诗
- His poems are full of obscurities. 他的诗作有很多晦涩难解的地方。
- For me,the poetry of Keats has always had an enormous appeal. 济慈的诗对我来说总是极具吸引力。
- Study of Qian Qianyi's views of the poetry of Du Fu. 钱谦益杜学研究。
- Pure mathematics is, in its way, the poetry of logical ideas. 纯粹数学,就其本质而言,是逻辑思想的诗篇。
- The critic tried to appraise the poetry of Han Shan. 那位批评家试图评?寒山的诗。
- Who would describe the poetry of your dream in this ariose age? 谁将描绘你梦中的诗意?在这个如歌的岁月里。
- To bring to light, especially after a period of obscurity. 发掘从默默无闻的状态中发现出来
- The emergence of obscurity poetry gives a great blow to the idea of understanding and therefore foregrounds the problem of reading. 摘要朦胧诗的出现,使“懂”的阅读理念受到深刻的冲击,并且使阅读问题凸显出来。
- To bring to light,especially after a period of obscurity. 发掘从默默无闻的状态中发现出来
- They are talking on stilts about the poetry of painting. 他们在夸夸其谈地议论绘画的诗意。
- This kind of obscurity is not only pretentions; it is short-sighted. 这种含糊其词不仅显得自命不凡,而且缺乏远见。