- poena legitima [拉]正刑
- In Europe ,this principle is usually called nulla poena sine lege . 就刑法而言,这就是法制原则的实际意义。
- Felipe segundo heredo tanbien la Corona de Portugal , tras la muerte de su rey sin descendencia legitima. 在国王死后无合法继承人的情况下,飞利浦二世继承了葡萄牙的皇冠.
- "Poena damni"is the thing with feathers. That perches in the soul and sings the elegy without the words, and never stope. “失落的痛苦”是个有羽毛的东西。它栖息在灵魂之中,唱着无词的悲歌,永远不会停息。
- The Principle “nullum crimen sine lege, nulla poena sine lege” is one of the basic principles to protect human rights in Criminal Code. 罪刑法定原则在刑法典中不只是一项保护人权的基本原则,从立法的角度看,更应该将它视为刑事立法上的一项重要原则。
- Poena ad metalla(=in opus metalli) 判处强制劳动
- Iudicium legitima et Iudicia quae imperio continentur(o imperium continentia) 法定审判和依权审判
- “Poena damni”is the thing with feathers. That perches in the soul and sings the elegy without the words,and never stope. “失落的痛苦”是个有羽毛的东西。它栖息在灵魂之中,唱着无词的悲歌,永远不会停息。
- portio legitima [法] 法定特留分
- sin legitima prole [法] 无法定子女, 无嫡出后代
- Poena sine provocatione 不许上诉的惩罚
- Cura legitima 法定监护
- nulla poena sine lege 法无明文者不罚;法无明文规定者不罚;
- decessit sine prole legitima [法] 死后无婚生子女
- tutela legitima [法] 法定监护
- aetas legitima [拉]法定年龄
- Many cases , dealed with by Lawyer Zhu, were well-known .For example , Litigants of many criminal cases had been acquittal;some from poena capitalis to suspended poena capitalis; 所承办的刑事案件有多个案件的当事人被无罪释放,有的死刑改判为死缓。