- poems expressing emotions 咏怀诗
- A short, witty poem expressing a single thought or observation. 隽语诗表示一个简单思想或观察的短小机智的诗
- A song or poem expressing deep grief or mourning. 挽歌表达深切的悲伤或哀悼的歌或诗
- Some of Liu Zongyuan’s poems are plain, implicative like Tao Yuanming’s, some are pure and refined ,and some are direct when expressing emotions. 柳宗元的诗歌中既有甘于退隐与寂寞、风格如陶诗平淡自然的蕴藉之诗,又有孤清峭厉、锤炼精刻的精工之章,还有哀怨凄怆、胸臆直抒的酸楚之作。
- They all indicate people expressing emotions, often with tears. 这些词均指强烈感情的表现,常伴有眼泪。
- They all indicate people expressing emotions,often with tears. 这些词均指强烈感情的表现,常伴有眼泪。
- These poems express the revolutionary fervour of the poet. 这些诗篇抒发了作者的革命豪情。
- A short,witty poem expressing a single thought or observation. 隽语诗表示一个简单思想或观察的短小机智的诗
- My eyes; it'll be easier to express emotions if they were bigger. 眼睛,大一点比较可以表达感情。
- I am not too smooth, hope oneself can sincerely express emotions. 我不太圆滑,希望自己能够真诚地表达情绪。
- This poem expresses the leisurely and comfortable mood of the poet. 这首诗写出了诗人闲适的心情。
- Poem is an art which creates images with using the most beautiful and musical language and expresses emotions borrowing from images. 诗歌是一种运用最精美的、带有音乐性的语言创造意象,主要借助意象以抒情的艺术。
- Pragmatically and textually, it is an important discourse marker for expressing emotions. 在语用、语篇方面,它是人们表情达意的重要话语标记。
- On Art of Expressing Emotions in Li Qingzhao's Poem 论李清照词的抒情艺术
- This paper focuses on the background, canonization and ways of the "poem expressing ideal. 摘要本文对“诗言志”的产生年代、经典化过程和途径进行了论述。
- The potential motive consists of three levels: expressing emotions and feelings, advocating ideas of cultivation and promoting the attention to fabricate and create. 其潜在动机主要可分为情绪情感的抒泄、教化意识的宣扬、作意好奇的发挥三个层面。
- His usual method in writing is to express emotions through describing concrete objects. 托物言志是他写作中常用的手法。
- What is diminished or lost is the capacity to feel and express emotions, to relate easily and naturally with others, and to enjoy pleasure in the body. 我们不但丧失了感受,表达情绪的能力,也不能自然地与他人连系,甚至不能享受身体的喜悦。
- To express emotion,such as grief or sadness,by shedding tears. 流泪来表达感情,如悲痛或悲伤。
- Ci writers often make use of the qualities of sounds to express emotions at the sight of some particular scenes or objects. 词人往往运用词的声韵特点进行状景寄怀,托物寓情。