- It can help you write moving poems and essays. 能够帮助你写出动人的诗歌和文章。
- He had a sense of humor, and was also adept at writing poems and essays. 他性格诙谐,精通诗文,时人称他"才绝、画绝、痴绝",
- Poems and essays alike abound in neat turns of phrase, and epigrams that are immediately pleasing. 诗文中充满了简洁的短语和读来清晰可喜的短句。
- There he started his career as a writer by publishing poems and essays in literary journals. 通过在文学期刊上发表诗和散文,在那里他开始了作为作家的职业生涯。
- From his poem and essays,we could see that he was quite familiar with Leng Yan Sutra. 从其诗文可以看出黄庭坚对《楞严经》相当了解和熟悉。
- Some poems and essays of his were collected in 80 selections, and translated into English, Japanese, Korean, German, Yugoslavian and Romanian and published in those countries. 其中诗与散文等,已被选入80多种选本,且被选译成英、日、韩、德以及南斯拉夫和罗马尼亚等多国文字,在各国出版发行。
- In the early 20th century, the pioneer of the Chinese communist movement Li Dazhao came to Han Wengong Temple at Wufeng Mountain to seek refuge and there he wrote a large number of poems and essays. 在20世纪初叶,中国共产主义运动先驱李大钊多次到五峰山韩文公祠避难并写下大量诗文。
- The Collected Poems and Essays of T`ing Lin 亭林诗文集
- poems and essays in the Yuan Dynasty 元代诗文
- Reports on Keats, selected poems and letters; Coleridge, essays on Shakespeare. 报告济慈的诗选与书信;柯立芝评论莎士比亚的文章。
- He wrote out the poem and gave it to us. 他把这首诗写出来,给了我们。
- On the Styles of Li He's Poems and Th. 论李贺诗歌的风格及其形成。
- Read them poems and speeches he had written. 给他们读诗和自己写的演讲稿。
- Love is the poem and sun in life. 爱情是生活中的诗歌和太阳。
- Nakas is a modern poem and musician of Uygur. 纳克斯是维吾尔近现代诗人、音乐家。
- Discussion on the Explanatory Notes of Classical Chinese Poems and Essays in New Chinese Textbooks for Senior 高中文言诗文注释商榷
- Textual Research on the Poems and Essays Excluded from the Anthologies of the Noted Authors of the Late Qing Dynasty 晚清名家集外诗文辑考
- I regard your expression as a kind of poem and fable. 把你的表情当作诗歌和寓言。
- Poems and essays alike abound in neat turns of phrase, and epigrams that are immediately pleasing 诗文中充满了简洁的短语和读来清晰可喜的短句。