- plus tree stand 正号母树林
- This will be your Christmas tree stand. 这就是"圣诞树"的支座.
- Several pine trees stand erect on the hillside. 几棵青松挺立在山坡上。
- A big oak tree stood in front of the house. 一棵大橡树屹立在房子前面。
- A big pine tree stood in front of thd building. 一棵高大的松树挺立在建筑物前。
- The trees stand in parallel with the road. 这些树与公路平行。
- Preliminary analysis on genetics of phenotype measuration of plus tree of Ulmus pumita Linn. 白榆优树表型测定的遗传学初步分析。
- Preliminary Selection of Superior Families and Plus Tree on Platanus occidentalis L. 一球悬铃木优良家系及优良单株的选择。
- A fringe of trees stood round the pool. 池塘四周耸立着一圈树木。
- Title: Preliminary analysis on genetics of phenotype measuration of plus tree of Ulmus pumita Linn. 关键词:白榆;优树;遗传参数;通径分析;直接影响;间接影响
- The tree stands on the brink of the cliff. 那棵树长在悬崖边。
- Men live by honor as trees stand to live. 人活一张脸,树活一张皮
- Then such plus tree" s cold tolerant abilities have been assessed using electricity-conductivity methold. 为合理开发利用、保存桉树基因资源及遗传改良提供科学依据。
- Gotten my legs tangled in a ladder, climbing in my tree stand while hunting. 把腿缠在梯子上,当我打猎时,爬在树上站立。
- A pine tree stands at the edge of the steep cliff. 悬崖的边缘有一颗松树。
- The tree stands by itself in the garden. 这棵树孤零零地立在花园里。
- A single tree stands out in the field. 一棵树明显地立在田里。
- The tree stands all by itself in the garden. 花园里的那棵树孤零零地站立着。
- By the experiment, we can draw a conclusion that the cadastral vector data transformation based on B plus tree index is an efficient method and has a bright future. 实验表明,基于B+树索引的数据转换方法,可大幅度提高数据转换的效率,是实现数据共享有效可行的、很有前景的一种方案。
- The big tree stands tall in the rainstorm. 这棵大树在狂风暴雨中傲然挺立。