- On the plus side, all the staff are enthusiastic. 好的方面是职员工作热忱很高。
- On the plus side,we must take into account the new product line. 从有利的一面看,我们必须考虑新的生产线。
- On the plus side, we must take into account the new product line. 从有利的一面看,我们必须考虑新的生产线。
- On the plus side, the engines prefer the cold dense air. 从积极的方面讲,发动机更喜欢冰冷稠密的空气。
- The grating converts the light into a central peak plus side peaks. 光栅将入射光束转化成一个中心峰值和一系列副峰值。
- On the plus side, wind dilutes and scatters air pollutants, and carries pollen. 从好处来说,风能稀释和驱散空气中的污染物质,传播花粉。
- Well, on the plus side, his temperature's 99.9, so...sayonara, Mr. Bober! 好的,从积极的一面看,他的体温是99.9,所以...再见,鲍勃先生!
- On the plus side, your work as a pundit for BBC seems to be going well. 从积极的方面看,你如果作为BBC的评论员应该会更好吧?
- By jumping on the keys, right-Mobile Press the left, the ball fell in the plus side of a breakdown. 按上键跳跃,按左右键移动,球掉在那一边加一分。
- On the plus side, though, this strategy can be combined quite easily with the other two. 但是,从好的方面说,该策略很常容易与另两个策略组合在一起。
- On the plus side, you only have to modify the DTO every time you add or remove an attribute. 这种方法的好处在于,当每次添加或删除属性时,只需要修改DTO即可。
- On the plus side, bench pressing with a wide grip does increase the intensity of pec contraction during the exercise. 从积极面来看,宽握卧推增加胸肌群的专注强度。
- On the plus side, unless your WAN link is a gigabit Ethernet feed, you may never notice the slowdown. 从另一方面来说,除非你的广域网路连接一个千兆以太网的饲料,你可能永远也不会注意到减速。
- On the plus side, Tucson certainly is easy to get around in; you needn't have much more than a basic sense of direction or a street map. 从正面来看,在图森市里走动是一件非常简单的事情;你不需要更多的考虑自己的方向感或者一张道路交通图。
- On the plus side, Sammy Kuffour has completed a two-match ban after receiving his marching orders in Rostock and returns to the squad. 在另一方面,库福尔已经红牌停赛期满,周六将会披挂上阵。德米凯利斯和劳也将填补后防线上的空缺。
- On the plus side, since value is completely aligned with society's programming, it can reduce your flaking completely. More on that later. 从积极的角度说,因为价值与个人的社会工程相关,它至少能降低你被放鸽子的几率。这将在后面详细介绍。
- On the plus side, they can be extremely sensitive and very quick to train but are also, undoubtedly, more mentally complex. 在边侧场地上,他们会极端敏感,训练会非常快,但毫无疑问,马匹精神上也会非常复杂。
- On the plus side, the solar storms promote the colorful auroras, known as the northern and southern lights, high in the sky over polar areas. 此外,太阳风暴会形成彩色极光,即我们所知的北极光和南极光,出现在极地高空。
- On the plus side last year, we made purchases totaling $14.5 billion in fixed-income securities issued by Wrigley, Goldman Sachs and General Electric. (去年在好的方面,我们从箭牌、高盛和GE购买了总计145亿美元的固定收益证券。
- On the plus side, you don’t have to worry about silicone-based lubes evaporating.In addition, this type of lubricant is great if you plan to have sex in the water. 另外,你不用担心硅树脂的挥发问题,还有,如果你打算在水中做爱那么这种润滑效果会更棒。