- Sales personnel strength, high-decibel street scene microphone, plus sales staff "coercion or inducement," buyers already committed, someone to act together. 售楼人员推波助澜,现场麦克风高分贝叫卖,加之销售人员的“威逼利诱”,买家早已晕头转向,不由自主地冲动起来。
- It is clear to all of us that two plus two is four. 二加二等于四对我们大家都很清楚。
- He seems to have mistaken a plus for a minus. 他似乎把正号误作负号了。
- The decline of sales embarrassed the company. 销路下降使公司陷于财政困难。
- The bill was USD10, plus USD1 for postage. 帐款是10美元,再加上一美元邮费。
- His experience in social work is a plus factor. 他在社会福利工作方面的经验是一个有利因素。
- Our quality is based solely on our sales samples. 我们的质量完全以货样为准。
- The bill was 10, plus 1 for postage. 帐款是10英镑,再加上1英镑邮费。
- I hop you are all geared up for the mew sales campaign. 我希望你们都为新的销售活动做好准备。
- Our sales director is unlearned. 我们的销售部主任没有文化。
- Sales have now reached a plateau. 销售现已开始停滞不前。
- I'm not pleased with your sales record this month. 我对你这个月的销售纪录不满。
- We recouped the show's expenses from ticket sales. 我们从门票收入中赚回演出的费用。
- Since his youngest daughter got married, he is plus a son-in-law. 自从他小女儿结婚后,他又多了一个女婿。
- Public sales are held on market days. 在市集日公开举行买卖。
- Buyers are charged8% sales tax on all goods. 买主购买的所有商品都要加收8%的购物税。
- We've got to fit five people plus all their luggage in the car. 我们得在汽车里挤下五个人和全部行李。
- The company is running down its sales force. 这家公司正在裁减推销人员。
- In that period auto sales hit a14-year low. 这时期汽车销售量达到14年来最低水平。
- We paid 1000 dollars for the shop, plus 200 dollars for goodwill. 我们花了一千美元买下这家商店,另加二百美元买它的商誉。