- Please prune plum trees promptly. 请及时修剪李树。
- The plum trees began to blossom. 梅树开始开花。
- That plum tree is in full bloom. 梅花正盛开着。
- Peach trees can be grafted on plum trees. 桃树可以被嫁接到梅树上。
- Plum trees bloom well this year. 李子树今年开花得好。
- There is no blossom this year on the plum trees. 今年李子树不开花。
- There is a plum tree at the bottom of the garden. 在花园的尽头有棵李子树。其他各词无此用法。
- Don't fix your hat under a plum tree. 李下不整冠。
- Graft the cherry tree branch onto the plum tree. 把樱桃枝嫁接在李子树上。
- Braving snow and frost, the plum trees blossomed defiantly. 红梅傲雪凌霜开。
- As the girls neared the shore, he hid among the plum trees. 他看见她们逼近了,便转身向里走去,把身子隐在梅树最多的地方。
- Plum trees blossom in winter to welcome spring's coming. 梅树在冬天开花以迎接春天的来临。
- Below was a plum tree grove with branches in full flower. 这是一片梅林,红白两种梅花开得正繁。
- It was a plum tree all scarlet with blossom set off beautifully by the sunset. 这是所有猩红色与开花美妙地引起由日落的洋李。
- The plum trees bloom and brim over with prime plump plums. 李树开了花,结满了上等的,圆滚滚的李子。
- A Sung poet and recluse,Lin Hoching,declared that he had married plum trees as his wives,and had a stork for his son. 宋朝一位诗人和隐士林和靖说: 他是以梅为妻,以鹤为子的。
- They planted orange and loquat trees around the house, and peach and plum trees on the bank of the stream. 茅屋外边种上了橘子枇杷,河边上还种了桃子和李子。
- The plum tree, therefore, in particular, symbolizes purity of character, the purity that we find in the crisp, cold winter air. 所以,梅树特别象征着清洁的性格,那种清爽的、寒冷的冬天空气所具有的清洁。
- Do not put on your shoes in a melon patch; do not adjust your cap under a plum tree. 瓜田不纳履,李下不正冠。
- Sung poet and recluse, Lin Hoching, declared that he had married plum trees as his wives, and had a stork for his son. 宋朝一位诗人和隐士林和靖说:他是以梅为妻,以鹤为子的。