- Alice is very free and easy when she's with her friends. 爱丽丝和朋友们在一起总是无拘无束的。
- I was outnumbered so I just law about me until I could break free and run away. 我寡不敌众,因此只得拚命乱打,直到挣脱逃走为止。
- Due to a police mix- up, the robber go free and the victim is jailed. 由於警察搞混了,小偷逃逸而受害者却入狱了。
- Design and experimental study on a new rice seed-coating and direct sowing machine 水稻包衣直播机设计与试验研究
- Everyone is born free and equal. 人人生而自由平等。
- A Technical Experiment On Straw Returning to Field, Free-Plowing and Direct Sowing Rice 稻草还田免耕直播稻技术试验研究
- The professor was free and easy with his students. 教授对他的学生要求不严格。
- Cultivation situation, problem and countermeasures of Chinese rapes with no tillage and direct sowing 中国油菜免耕直播栽培现状、问题及对策分析
- Your school sounds more free and easy than ours. 听起来你们的学校比我们的学校更随便一些。
- We were free and full of the zest of darers. 我们无拘无束并洋溢着敢斗者的热情。
- Be as free and open as you wish. 请坦率和畅所欲言地谈谈吧。
- He talks in such an open and direct way. 他说话向来开诚布公。
- He was asked to take command and direct operations. 他奉命统率并指挥作战行动。
- The butler was set free and the baker was hanged. 总管出狱,厨师被处绞刑。
- To watch over and direct;supervise. 看管,指导;监督
- John pulled himself free and ran off. 约翰脱身跑掉了。
- Klitz, I can't act and direct, okay? Klitz, 我不能自己导自己演, 知道吗?
- Life was never going to be so free and easy again. 生活绝不会再那样无拘无束了。
- I used to advise a simple and direct approach. 我过去常常建议采取简单和直接的方法。
- Education, in theory, was 'free and universal'. 从理论上来说,教育“免费普及。”