- The armed forces, organized religion, universities and research institutes--all play their part. 武装力量,宗教组织,大学和研究机构都发挥着自己的作用。
- Daniel Fasquelle, founder of a tourism association, said that French from all walks of life needed to play their part. 为了挽回这种不景气的局面,增加旅游收入,巴黎市旅游局成立了“微笑大使”小组在该市著名景点欢迎游客。
- With about one million soldiers being demobilized each year, we must confront the question of how to prepare them to play their part better in civilian work. 军队每年有上百万的战士复员,怎样使他们到地方工作更好地发挥作用,是个值得重视的问题。
- We must enable comrades to play their parts to the full. 我们应当让同志们充分发挥他们的作用。
- The only ones playing their part where the Heli-evac personnel. 唯一表现出紧急状态的人员就是直升机-疏散人员。
- The only ones playing their part were the Heli-evac personnel. 唯一表现出紧急状态的人员就是直升机-疏散人员。
- We must enable comrades play their parts to the full. 我们应当让同志们充分发挥他们的作用。
- But China and the oil-rich Gulf states have ample reason to play their part in an orderly decline of the dollar's dominance. 但中国和石油丰富的海湾国家有充分的理由,在美元的统治地位有秩序的衰落的时候发挥它们。
- With about one million soldiers being demobilized each year,we must confront the question of how to prepare them to play their part better in civilian work. 军队每年有上百万的战士复员,怎样使他们到地方工作更好地发挥作用,是个值得重视的问题。
- Answer: On the political side,first,the present government must be transformed into a united front government in which the representatives of the people play their part. 答:政治上说来,第一、须将现政府改造成为一个有人民代表参加的统一战线的政府。
- Many people are not reached by the anti-poverty program,because local authorities and agencies do not want to play their part or do not have the resources to do so. 有许多人根本享受不到反贫穷计划的照顾,因为地方当局和福利机构不愿起到它们应起的那份作用,或者说,没有足够的财力来这样做。
- One of the basic requirements of democratic centralism in the Party is that Party congresses at the various levels be held at regular intervals and play their part to the full. 党的民主集中制的基本要求之一,是党的各级代表大会的定期召集和充分发挥作用。
- The ports will explore the use of pollution-based impact fees, such as gate fees assessed on "dirty" trucks, so that polluters play their part to improve air quality. 港口将探索使用污染的影响费用,如闸门费分摊"脏"车让污染者发挥作用,改善空气质量。
- It aims to provide the trade and consumers with a clear perception of various kinds of risks and encourage them to play their part in enhancing food safety. 风险传达旨在让业界和消费者清楚知道各种风险,从而鼓励他们提高食物安全水平。
- It aims to provide the trade and consumers with a clear perception of various kinds of risks and encourages them to play their part in improving food safety. 风险传达旨在让业界和消费者清楚知道各种风险,从而鼓励他们提高食物安全水平。风险传达亦有助政府对潜在的食物危害及时采取积极的对策。
- Many people are not reached by the anti-poverty program, because local authorities and agencies do not want to play their part or do not have the resources to do so. 有许多人根本享受不到反贫穷计划的照顾,因为地方当局和福利机构不愿起到它们应起的那份作用,或者说,没有足够的财力来这样做;
- Generally speaking, in order to return to its hometown Hedong, Pei of the Kingdom of Wu from the south stayed in the south to play their part in various prefectures and became an independent branch. 总的来看,南来吴裴为回归河东故土而主要留在南境诸州发挥作用,成为独立的一支。
- Industrial unrest and cheaper imports played their part in the company's reversal of fortunes. 工业动荡和比较低廉的进口使公司形势恶化。
- Large New York area department stores like Macy's and Bamberger's played their part in particularly innovative ways. 纽约地区的大商场,如梅西百货与班伯格百货,以其特有的创新思路扮演了自己的角色。
- It is a rich chronicle of momentous events and the people that played their part in them. 它是一部记载重大事件及参与其中的相关人物的内容丰富的编年史书。