- I played badly; I seem to be losing my grip. 我表演得很差,我似乎逐渐失去了控制能力。
- Bill played badly, James played worse, and I played worst of all! 比尔演奏得很差,詹姆斯演奏得更差,我演奏得最差!
- Jim and Tim played badly,but I played worst of all! 吉姆和蒂姆打得不好,而我打得最糟!
- Our school team played badly in the match. 我们校队在比赛中打得很糟。
- If you run back over the season, you can't pick out a game in which he played badly. 如果你回顾一下整个赛季,你举不出他哪一场打得不好。
- After that, if they play badly, then their place in the team will be taken up by someone else. 如果他们还是不好好踢球,他们的位置会有人顶替。
- VfB left full-back Ludo Magnin: "We didn't play badly in the first two games and picked up just one point. 斯图加特左后卫马格宁:本赛季开始的两场比赛我们踢的并不差,却只带走一分。
- I give maximum protection to those who play badly, which can happen, but why, and I ask you, shouldn't I criticise those who don't play for the team? 我给那些踢得糟糕的队员最大的保护,这正常,但我问你们:为什么我不能批评那些不是为球队踢球的队员?
- The younger players were overawed by the occasion and played badly. 较年轻的运动员有些怯场,故球打得很差。
- John played badly,Tom played worse,and Harry played (the) worst. 约翰打得不好,汤姆打得更差,而哈利打得最差。
- Jim and Tim played badly, but I played worst of all ! 吉姆和蒂姆打得不好,而我打得最糟!
- Stop complaining, it's only your fault, you played badly today. 别再抱怨了,这都是你一个人的错,你今天的表现太糟糕了。
- One stepsister is singing a song.The other is playing the flute.They sing and play badly. 一个姐姐正在唱歌。另一个正在吹长笛。唱得难听,吹得也不好。
- This love of the links can't be for keeps, they moan, for he who plays secretly must surely play badly. 他们抱怨说,这种对高尔夫球的热爱是不会长久的,因为偷偷摸摸打球的人一定打得很差。
- If you run back over the season,you can not pick out a game in which you played badly. 如果你回忆那段比赛季节,你就不会挑选出你曾玩的最拙劣的一种运动。
- The play became a tremendous hit. 这出戏极为轰动。
- If you run back over the season,you can't pick out a game in which John played badly. 如果你回顾一下整个赛季,你找不出哪一场比赛约翰打得不好。
- If you run back over the season, you can't pick outa game in which he played badly. 如果你回顾一下整个赛季,你举不出他哪一场打得不好。
- If you run back over the season,you can't pick out a game in which you played badly. 如果你回忆那段比赛季节,你就不会挑选出你曾玩的最拙劣的一种运动。
- The baseball team lost the game because the pitcher lost his headand played badly. 这只棒球队因为投手表现失常、失误连连,因而输了这场比赛。