- The children are playing marbles. 孩子们在玩弹子游戏。
- Three boys were playing marbles. 三个男孩儿在玩弹子游戏。
- I wonder if the children nowadays would play marbles with others. Probably they consider marbles as a kind of out-dated toy. 不知道现在的小孩还会和其他小孩玩弹珠吗?也许他们认为弹珠是落伍的玩具了。
- He was on a rooftop quietly playing marbles when this happened. 出事时他在屋顶上安静地玩弹球。
- A large playing marble, often used as the shooter. 大弹子经常用来击打其它弹子的大理石弹子
- And once I played marbles when I went to that old dame's school,she liked mignonette. 当我在那位年迈的女老师开的学校就读时,也曾玩过弹珠儿,她喜爱木樨草。
- Huan Cheng Guan told Sim Tze Tsim : You were still playing marbles when I joined politics!! 范清远对沈志勤说:我当年玩政治的时候,小沈都还在打弹珠呢!!
- Children's games such as shuttlecock, hopscotch, reading picture-story books and playing marbles were popular. 踢毽子、跳房子、看小人书、打玻璃弹珠是小孩子们常玩的游戏。
- Kids' games such as kicking shuttlecock, hopscotch, reading picture-story books and playing marbles were popular. 踢毽子、跳房子、看小人书、打玻璃弹珠是小孩子们常玩的游戏。
- A large playing marble,often used as the shooter. 大弹子经常用来击打其它弹子的大理石弹子
- All of the other sixth graders were already outside, playing marbles or hop scotch or jumping rope, since it was a pleasant spring day. 在这个明媚的春日,六年级的其他学生都已经到外面去玩弹珠、跳房子或者跳绳去了。
- But Nutkin gathered oak apples, yellow and scarlet, and sat upon a beech-stump playing marbles, and watching the door of old Mr. Brown. 但是纳特金却收集栎树瘿,黄的和红的,然后坐在一个山毛榉树墩上玩弹珠游戏,并且注意看著老布朗先生的门。
- The play became a tremendous hit. 这出戏极为轰动。
- One fisherman told us a story that when they were young and ignorant they actually used to play marble games with spherical melo pearls. 一个渔民告诉我们,在他们还年幼无知时,他们竟然还曾用球形的美乐珠玩弹子游戏。
- A playing marble made of agate or a glass imitation of it. 玛瑙纹玩具弹子一种由玛瑙或仿玛瑙的玻璃制成的玩具弹子
- A lovely playing marble game, design a playing marble set a zoo. 一款很可爱的弹珠游戏,把弹珠台设计成一个动物园。
- The two boys decided to play truant and go fishing. 这两个男孩决定逃学去钓鱼。
- They played marbles for keeps. 赢者可获得石球。
- It must be difficult to play various personae in the same movie. 在同一个电影中扮演不同的角色肯定不容易。
- The author is going to adapt his play for television. 作者将把他的剧本改编成电视剧。