- Above all please play it safe, condoms and lube. 最重要的就是进行安全性行为,使用安全套和润滑剂。
- In such things it's always good to play it safe. 处理这样的事情总以稳重为好。
- We mustn't take chances. We'd better play it safe. 我们不要冒险,最好稳重行事。
- Play it safe - pick one partner. 还是小心谨慎,选择一个吧。
- We prefer to play it safe rather than take risks. 比起承担风险,我们更喜欢慎重行事。
- It may not rain, but you'd better play it safe and take a raincoat. 也许不会下雨,不过安全起见,你还是带上雨衣吧。
- My knee still hurts, so I'm going to play it safe and not go jogging today. 我的膝盖还很疼,所以还是小心为上,今天就不去慢跑了。
- Maybe it's due to my upbringing, but I am the type who likes to play it safe. 或许是因为我所受的教养,我却是那种行事谨慎以策安全的人。
- He finally chose to take a chance instead of playing it safe. 他最终选择了冒险一试,而不是安全求稳。
- I'm not sure how many people are coming here for dinner tonight, let's just play it safe and make some extra food. 我不能确定今晚将有多少人来赴宴。保险起见,还是多做点吧。
- Whether your first encounter is in a grocery store, the museum or in an Internet chat room, you have to play it safe. 无 论 你 们 是 邂 逅 在 杂 货 店 、 博 物 馆 还 是 互 联 网 的 聊 天 室 , 你 都 要 谨 慎 从 事 。
- But as Seth Godin recently wrote, “the riskiest thing you can do is play it safe. 但是,随着塞思戈丁最近写道,“最危险的你能做到的是发挥它的安全。”
- If you want to win the prize, this will not be the year to play it safe or to make a copycat costume. 如果你想获得最佳服装奖,那就不要保守的采用他人的想法。
- "I don't like playing it safe,I like jumping into new styles," she said. "我不喜欢用前人的方法演奏,我希望尝试新的方式,"她说。
- Maybe it's because of my upbringing,I am the type who usually plays it safe. 也许是由于我的成长背景,我是属于那种稳扎稳打型的人。
- Whether your first encounter is in a grocery store,the museum or in an Internet chat room,you have to play it safe. 无论你们是邂逅在杂货店、博物馆还是互联网的聊天室,你都要谨慎从事。
- Maybe it's because of my upbringing, but I am the type who usually plays it safe. 也许是由于我的成长背景,我是属于那种稳扎稳打型的人。
- We're not sure about that product, so we'd better play it safe and not invest too much. 我们还不确定那项产品的好坏,所以为了安全起见,还是别投资太多。
- So I always play it safe and assume that all source material was copyrighted to the full extent of the law. 所以,为了不冒险,我总是假定所有的原始资料都是受到法律规定的著作权保护的。
- When you are swimming, it's best to play it safe and not go too far from the shore. 游泳时最好稳当一些, 不要离岸太远。