- I want us to play hardball on this issue. 我希望我们在这个问题上不手软。
- You wanna play hardball? I'm game. 你想要动硬的是吗?我随时奉陪.
- "The President showed he can play hardball with the hardnosed hard-liners, "... "总统向人显示:他能与一意孤行的死硬派表现强硬作风,"...
- Sometimes you just cannot compromise and have to play hardball. 有些情况下你就不能妥协,而必须采取强硬手段。
- It looks like our competitors want to play hardball. 看来,我们的竞争对手想采取强硬的手段。
- But OFHEO supporters say the agency had to play hardball. 但支持督察局的人说,督察局必须不择手段。
- Ken: If you want to play hardball with me, that's what we'll do. 肯恩:如果你想要和我来硬的,那咱们就来吧。
- I'm not playing hardball here, OK? 从自己家里小偷小摸的搞几支笔是很没意思的。
- The government promises to play hardball with companies who cheat in business. 政府承诺对有商业欺骗行为的公司采取强硬措施。
- Albright played hardball by walking out of the meeting. 奥尔布莱特以退出会场的方式表示强硬的立场。
- Things are getting little tough.The president has decided to play hardball on this issue. 局势变得紧张起来,总统决定对此事采取强硬手段进行干预。
- Don't play hardball with me, I know you've been cheating on me. So just tell me! Stop hiding it! 别跟我玩儿这套,我知道你一直在骗我。直说吧,别藏着了。
- Our competitors are using tactics that indicate that they want to play hardball. 我们的竞争对手所用的战术表明他们要动真格了。
- When a beautiful woman plays hardball, she does not necessarily dislike you. 一个漂亮女人跟你玩狠的并不代表她不喜欢你。
- Banks are building up their capital by playing hardball with their customers. 许多银行通过对客户采取强硬措施来增加资本。
- Earlier in the day, Dubai officials appeared to be playing hardball. 周一早些时候,迪拜的官员们似乎采取了强硬姿态。
- With the Chinese economy struggling as exports plunge, this isn’t the only instance where Beijing is showing it is ready to play hardball with trade partners. 受出口下滑影响,中国经济步履艰难,政府方面正表现出其做好准备,将拿出强硬态度应对贸易伙伴,因此,本次事件并不是桩个案。
- You have got to play hardball. 你最好采取强硬措施。
- You want to play hardball? 你想来硬的,我随时奉陪。
- Mr. Jones got where he is today because he always played hardball with his political adversaries. 琼斯先生有今天的地位,是因为惯用很强硬的手段对付政敌。