- He will be performing on the flute [at the piano]. 他将吹奏长笛[弹奏钢琴]。
- When I was young, I used to play the flute. 当我年轻的时候我吹长笛。
- He will be performing on the flute. 他将吹奏长笛。
- On Sundays, I usually play the flute. 星期天,我通常吹长笛。
- He shouted rudely, @Get back and play the flute. 他却粗鲁地大吼:“回去吹你的笛子!
- While he sang,I played on the flute. 他唱歌,我吹笛伴奏。
- I learned how to play the flute as a young child. 其他两名音乐家将用小提琴和长笛为她伴奏。
- While he sang, I played on the flute. 他唱歌,我吹笛伴奏
- He played a nice tune on the flute. 他吹奏了一首优美的笛子曲。
- He plays the flute; Can you play on this old recorder? 他会演奏长笛;你能使这台老录音机演奏起来吗。
- He plays the flute like a professional. 他吹长笛已达到专业人员的水平。
- He amused himself by playing the flute. 他吹笛自娱。
- He playea quite well on the flute [mouth-organ]. 他笛子[口琴]吹得很好。
- The flute player piped a happy tune. 那个吹笛子的人吹奏了一支欢快的曲子。
- You used to play the flute, usedn't you? 你过去常常吹长笛,是吗?
- I play the flute with a group of friends sometimes. 我有时和一群朋友一起吹笛子。
- He performed skillfully on the flute. 他善于吹笛。
- She plays the flute in the school orchestra. 她在校管弦乐队里吹长笛。
- Listen! The flute has sounded in yonder wood. 听住!遥远的树林里响起了长笛声,
- That glow is the healing power of the flute. 魔笛具有医治伤口的力量,它们身上闪烁着的金光就是那样来的。