- Mainly Aimed at 2D Applications (GUI perhaps, Platform Game etc.). 主要的目的是2D应用程序(或许有GUI,平台游戏,等等)。
- You all know this one, now you can play this excellent platform game onl... 请记得常常再度光临,因为我们持续会加入新的游戏.
- Mobile platform game developers have a broader use of space, can be more user-oriented to expand development capacity. 手机平台的游戏开发具有广阔的使用空间,可以面向更加多的用户,扩展开发能力。
- In addition, perfect and spatio-temporal still will get the license that uses sunlighting spring to cross platform game to develop engine. 此外,完美时空还将获取使用昱泉跨平台游戏开发引擎的许可。
- However, a year later, "Wang 2" in the oceans department this touching heartstrings gambling platform game, but only to two-and withdrew hastily wound up. 不过,一年之后,“二王”在大洋百货这张赌台上动人心弦的游戏,却只能以两人的中途离席而草草收场。
- Pirate Island consists of a challenging action platform game whose objective is to get the treasure. all gold from an old pirate who shipwrecked in a far away island.Have fun! 充满挑战;刺激的游戏;由于以前的海盗船失事而留下大批宝藏;玩家的任务是找寻宝藏.;相信你会玩到不亦乐乎!!
- Now established as a character favourite for mobile devices, the Moorhen series explodes onto the colored mobile screens in this revolutionary action-arcade platform game. 本游戏被认为是手机上最有人气的一款游戏,在这场动作游戏的革命中,雷鸟系列游戏被带到了多彩的手机屏幕上。
- Play as Tibor, the Kind Vampire in this classic platformer game! 在这款经典的动作游戏中,你扮演的是一个名叫提伯的善良的吸血鬼!
- This award-winning smooth scrolling platform game combines the beautiful animation and playability of the original version with a complete new set of huge levels to explore! 这项获奖顺利滚动游戏平台结合了美丽的动画和可玩性的原来版本与完整的一套新的巨大层面探讨!
- Secret Maryo Chronicles is an two-dimensional platform game with a style designed similar to classic sidescroller games like Super Mario World. 类似超级玛莉的过关游戏不但画面跟电动里的非常像,连配乐也有,而且还附上程式原始码呢!
- A blast from the past, Snaky Jake combinesthe fun and innovation of casual games with the old school excitement and charm of classic platform games! 从过去的一次改革,以传统游戏刺激和随机性,结合一流基台游戏魅力的乐趣和革新!快加入这个解决丛林的拼字冒险游戏吧!
- Hungry Puppy 3D is a platforming game starring a puppy that likes to eat various food items scattered throughout each level. 饥饿的小狗是一款小狗在每个关卡吃各处散布的不同食物的游戏。
- He was walking up and down the station platform. 他在火车站的月台上走来走去。
- She hurried over to the entrance to No.4 Platform. 她匆匆向第四号月台入口处走过去。
- In every game they were bested by their opponents. 每一场比赛他们都被对方击败。
- A balcony is a platform with a wall. 阳台是有墙的平台。
- Stop gloating just because you won the game! 别因为赢了就扬扬得意!
- The game will lose its relish when you grow old. 你年纪大了以后,就会发现这种游戏的趣味大打折扣了。
- Any train from this platform stops at Gatwick. 从这一月台开出的火车都在盖特威克停。
- Please buy me a platform ticket. 请给我买张站台票。