- Study of the Heat Transfer Performance of a Plate Electric Heater at Low Barometric Pressure 低气压下板式电加热器换热性能的研究
- plate electric heater 板式电加热器
- There is an electric heater in the bedroom. 卧室里有一个电暖炉。
- I will also buy an electric heater. 我想买个电热炉。
- The electric heater radiated warmth. 电热器散发出来热量。
- A body steel plate electric welding. 二、箱体全钢的钢板电焊连接。
- Would you please bring us an electric heater and a teapot ? 请递给我们电热器和茶壶,好吗?
- An electric heater consumes too much electricity. 电热器用电太费。
- The sun, a lamp, or an electric heater all warm us by radiation. 太阳、灯或电热器都可以通过辐射来温暖我们。
- Would you please bring us an electric heater and a teapot? 请递给我们电热器和茶壶,好吗?
- It's too cold in the room. I'll buy an electric heater. 屋里太冷了,我要去买一个电暖器。
- We provided the room with an electrical heater. 我们为这间屋子装备了电热器。
- "Warm"Brand electric heater lets you feel warmer in the coldest days of winter. “温暖”牌电取暖器,让您三九严寒倍感温馨。
- When we switch on electricity,we get heat from an electric heater. 当我们打开电源时,我们从电热器中得到热量。
- The aim is to switch the whole country over to electrical heater. 目的是使全国都能改用电暖气。
- Sales of electric heaters have increased. 电暖器的销售量增加了。
- The electric heater should have a heat output rated for the maximum product withdrawal rate requirements, without excessive over-capacity. 电加热器的热输出应该由要求的最大产品提取率来确定,不能有过剩能力。
- You' ll blow a fuse if you put the electric heater and the cooker on at the same time. 如果你同时把电暖炉和电热锅都开着,保险丝会烧断的。
- Application: Hair Dryer, Electric Blanket, Electric Mug, Beauty Parlour Appliance, Mini Electric Tool, Electric Heater etc. 适用范围:电吹风、电热毯、电热杯、美容器具、小型电动工具、电暖器等。
- In order to adjusting plate electrization, some servo-motors replacing mechanism as actuator were installed in the gap of the plate cylinder. 在印版滚筒的空当安装伺服电机作为执行机构来代替机械部分的动作,以实现调整印版的电气化;