- For a cheap, plastic mount, low end consumer lens, the 18-55 is certainly better than I would have expected. 为一种廉价,塑料圣殿山,低端消费者的镜头,18-55肯定是比我所期望的。
- It's many years since Mount Vesuvius last erupted. 维苏威火山上一次喷发至今已有很多年了。
- His debts continued to mount up. 他的债务在不断增长。
- The man is carrying a small black plastic handbag. 这个人提着一个黑色的小塑料提袋。
- He is a plastic surgery specialist. 他是个整形外科医生。
- Many items in daily use are made out of plastic. 有很多日常生活用品是塑料制的。
- It is some kind of plastic made to imitate iron. 这是一种塑胶,但外观仿制得像铁。
- It'll cost a lot of money to mount this play. 上演这个剧本要花许多钱。
- The general had an excellent mount. 将军有出色的坐骑。
- The fruit is prepackaged in plastic tray. 水果用塑料盘预先包装。
- The horse shied off when I tried to mount it. 我试图骑上马的时候,马却惊恐地躲开了。
- Many items in daily use are made of plastic. 很多日常生活用品是用塑料制成的。
- A kind of plastic stuff is used to make the plates. 这些盘子是用一种塑料制造的。
- Put your washing in the plastic bag. 把你要洗的衣物放到商行塑料袋中。
- Plastic flowers are a particular hate of mine. 塑料花是我特别厌恶的东西。
- Behind the city of Pompeii stood the4000-feet Mount Vesuvius. 庞培城的后面矗立着4000英尺高的维苏维火山。
- Plastic is sometimes used instead of leather. 塑胶有时可以替代皮革。
- The computer is protected by a plastic cover. 计算机得到塑料套的保护。
- That the Sermon on the Mount contains the sum and substance of Christianity. 耶稣登山训众论福所讲的一切包含了基督教的精义。
- A plastic cover protect the computer. 这台计算机由一个塑料防护罩盖着。