- The plastic surgeon undercut the skin of her cheek. 整容外科医生将她的脸皮下部切开。
- Gillies saw the plastic surgeon as a sculptor. 吉利斯把整形外科医生看作是雕塑家。
- The plastic surgeon performed a face-lift for her. 美容师为她整容。
- No one wants to see a facial plastic surgeon. 没有人愿意去做脸部整容手术的。
- The plastic surgeon diagnosed my illness as a rare bone disease. 整形外科医生诊断出我的病是一种罕见的骨病。
- MM: I'm a plastic surgeon, i've been looking for a face like yours! 我是整形外科医生,我也一直在寻找一张像你一样的脸!
- As an artist, Gillies saw the plastic surgeon as a sculptor. 整形术大师吉利斯把整形外科医生看作是雕塑家。
- Amelanotic melanoma presents a unique diagnostic pitfall to plastic surgeon evaluating the skin lesion. 整形外科医生在评估皮肤病灶时,无黑色素之黑色素瘤呈现一种特别的诊断陷阱。
- Some plastic surgeons make fat profits. 一些整形外科医生收入颇丰。
- Those of us who have never consulted a plastic surgeon, much less attended a coming out party, are probably doing ourselves a disservice. 如果你从未咨询过整容医生,也没有参加过“亮相”,那你也许亏待了自己。
- Doctor Charles Horton, a plastic surgeon known for his humanitarian work, established the group in the nineteen eighties. 它是由因人道主义工作而闻名的整形外科医生查尔斯.;霍尔顿于上世纪八十年代创建的。
- Restoration of the mandibular continuity and cosmetically acceptable appearance continue to present challenge to the plastic surgeon. 下颔骨软骨肉瘤在广泛切除之后,不论是颜面外观或是功能上的改善都是整形外科极具挑战性的工作。
- "Her plastic surgeon, Cesar Morillas, one of the most sought-after in Peru, told reporters he had never claimed to be the "creator" of Mantilla. 他告诉记者,他从没有声称是曼蒂拉的创造者。在曼蒂拉成为秘鲁小姐之前,两人曾达成过互利协议,即以曼蒂拉为他诊所作宣传来作为手术的交换条件。
- Doctor Charles Horton Charls Bottom ,a plastic surgeon surgen, known for his humanitarian work established the group in 1980th. 该组织的信条是:“通过医学构建和平和国际友谊”。外科医生和平协会总部设在美国的维吉尼亚州。查尔斯。
- Reconstruction for the sacral pressure sore after failed gluteus maximus musculocutaneous flap transfer is challenging to the plastic surgeon. 摘要在长期性卧床及脊髓受损病患,经臀大肌肌皮瓣移转失败之荐部褥疮相当常见。其严重者亦难以治疗。
- Chest wall defects after ablative surgery for cancer, trauma, infection, or radiation-related ulcer present a challenging problem for the plastic surgeon. 摘要胸壁因肿瘤、放射治疗后组织坏死、胸骨骨髓炎等状况,在接受外科切除手术后往往造成复杂性的组织缺损。
- Before you see the plastic surgeon, before you plunk down half a paycheck on that pricey anti-aging cream, in fact, before you do anything, put on sunscreen. 在你去看整形医生之前,在你花掉一半薪水在昂贵的抗衰老霜上之前,事实上,在你采取一切行动之前,先涂上防晒霜。
- Therefore, it is vitally important for the plastic surgeon to bear in mind the severity of the disability and its resistance to treatment, and to prevent the amblyopia from the very beginning. 以强调在发育期间遮盖眼睛的严重后果,进一步避免此等遮盖性弱视的形成。
- Tom is a plastic surgeon. 汤姆是一位整形医师。
- A plastic surgeon at the Cleveland Clinic, Dr.Risal Djohan, got a look at her injuries two months later.''He told me he didn't think, he wasn't sure, if he could fix me, but he'd try,'' Culp recalled. 克利夫兰诊所的Djohan的外科手术医生Djohan在两个月后查看了她的伤情,并且说不能肯定能否治愈,但会尝试一下。