- plastic stress surface 塑性应力面
- This paper suggests, in terms of the stress-strain curves, a nomographic method to measure the plastic stress by the strain-gage electrical logging method. 本文根据塑性变形下的应力-应变关系,提出用应变片电测法来求出塑性应力的专用材料图解法。
- Stress can be the undoing of so many fine players. 紧张可能是这许多优秀选手失败的原因。
- Centered compressive fan field in plane plastic stress 塑性平面应力状态的压缩有心场
- Study on Elastic and Plastic Stress Around Holes for Split Grouting 劈裂灌浆钻孔附近弹塑性应力分析
- Anisotropic Plastic Stress Fields at a Slowly Propagating Crack Tip 缓慢扩展裂纹尖端的各向异性塑性应力场
- The man is carrying a small black plastic handbag. 这个人提着一个黑色的小塑料提袋。
- In the word "mother" the stress is on the first syllable. 在"mother"这一字里,重音在第一个音节上。,在"mother"这一字里,重音在第一个音节上。
- He is a plastic surgery specialist. 他是个整形外科医生。
- Many items in daily use are made out of plastic. 有很多日常生活用品是塑料制的。
- It is some kind of plastic made to imitate iron. 这是一种塑胶,但外观仿制得像铁。
- The fruit is prepackaged in plastic tray. 水果用塑料盘预先包装。
- Many items in daily use are made of plastic. 很多日常生活用品是用塑料制成的。
- He reverted to smoking when under stress. 他因受到压力又恢复了吸烟的习惯。
- We led a hard life in times of stress. 在困难时期我们过着艰苦的生活。
- A kind of plastic stuff is used to make the plates. 这些盘子是用一种塑料制造的。
- We call this surface the stress quadric. 我们称这个曲面为应力二次曲面。
- Put your washing in the plastic bag. 把你要洗的衣物放到商行塑料袋中。
- Plastic flowers are a particular hate of mine. 塑料花是我特别厌恶的东西。
- The cure for stress lies in learning to relax. 消除紧张的方法在于学会放松。