- After an hour's hot climb he was at the top, looking down on the painted head of the plaster saint. 经过了一个小时的攀登,他到达了顶峰,一眼望到那经过粉饰过的圣女像。
- After an hour's hot climb he was at the top,looking down on the painted head of the plaster saint. 经过了一个小时的攀登,他到达了顶峰,一眼望到那经过粉饰过的圣女像。
- He's no plaster saint. 他并非十全十美。
- His broken leg was encased in plaster. 他折的腿打上了石膏。
- The plaster had started to come away from the wall. 灰泥已经开始从墙上脱落。
- You need the patience of a saint for this job. 做这种工作,你得有圣人般的好耐性。
- Joan of Arc was made a saint in 1920. 1920年,贞德被追封为圣女。
- She has a face like a saint- a saint bernard. 她的脸孔长的像个圣人-圣·伯纳。
- Put a plaster on the sore once a day. 把这膏药每日一次敷贴患处。
- You must be a saint to be able to stand his temper! 能受得了他的脾气,一定得非常有涵养!
- They tried to plaster over the differences. 他们试图掩盖分歧。
- St Christopher is the patron saint of travellers. 圣·克里斯托弗是旅行者的守护神。
- His silly chatter would vex a saint. 他说的话很无聊,多有涵养的人也得气得发火。
- Bits of plaster rained down on our heads from the ceiling. 石灰屑像雨点似地从天花板上落到我们的头上。
- The doctor had to hold his broken arm with a plaster cast. 医生不得不用石膏绷带来固定他断了的胳膊。
- Fresh plaster will fix in a few hours. 新抹的泥灰在几个小时内能干
- The plaster will have to dry out before you can paint the room. 待房间的灰泥乾後才可粉刷。
- You would need to be a saint to put up with her children. 只有圣人才能容忍她的那几个孩子。
- Saint Christopher is the patron saint of travellers. 圣徒克里斯托弗是旅行者的守护神。
- A fine lime cement used as a finishing coat on plaster. 精制石灰胶泥精制石灰胶泥,用于在灰泥表层涂抹成膜