- Methods To determine blood viscosity, plasma viscosity and hematocrit. 方法测定全血粘度、血浆粘度、红细胞压积。
- Blood viscosity, plasma viscosity, aggregation index of RBC( AIRC) and fibrinogen were also assayed respectively. 还分别测定了全血黏度、浆黏度、细胞聚集指数(IRC)纤维蛋白原及血小板聚集率。
- The improvement extent of high spear of whole blood viscosity, plasma viscosity, fibrinogen, time value ... 另外,观察中发现,两组临床症状、体征均有一定改善,治疗组优于对照组。
- Results:The Shengguzaizao powder can significantly decrease the whole blood viscosity,plasma viscosity and hematocrit. 结果显示生骨再造散组可明显降低家兔血浆粘度、全血粘度和红细胞压积。
- Result The blood plasma viscosity and fibrinogen in group A are obviously higher than group B. 结果血浆粘度、纤维蛋白原两项指标存在显著性差异,病灶组明显高于高危组。
- The plasma viscosity,FSR,fibrinogen had a significant increase in 60 year old or over patients complicated by cardiovascular disease and hypertension. 血浆粘度、血沉、纤维蛋白原明显增高者分布在60岁以上的高龄组并发心脑血管病及高血压症组中;
- Object To investigate the relationship between plasma fibrinogen (FG) concentration and plasma viscosity (PRV),and discuss its clinical meaning. 目的 探讨血浆纤维蛋白原(fibrinogen,FG) 与血浆粘度(plasma viscosity,PRV) 相关性及其临床意义。
- After 28 days,plasma CH,plasma TG,the collecting ratio of thrombocyte,blood and plasma viscosity,and the length of thrombus ... 结果:康脑灵颗粒能改善模型动物的血液黏度和血小板聚集率、抑制其体外血栓形成、降低血浆CH、TG含量。
- The results showed magnetic field can stimulate ferric assimilation, and blood viscosity, plasma viscosity didnt changed evidently. 实验结果表明,磁场能促进铁的吸收,而血液粘度及血浆粘度等血液流变性指标并没有明显的改变。
- ResultsThe whole blood viscosity, the blood plasma viscosity, RBC aggregate index and RBC hematocrit got reduced on different degrees. 结果用药后全血粘度、血浆粘度、红细胞聚集力、红细胞压积等均有不同程度下降。
- The ratio viscosity and reduced viscosity of whole blood, plasma viscosity and paced cell volume (PCV) in SD group were significantly higher than in controls ( P <0.01). 突聋组全血比粘度、全血还原比粘度、血浆粘度和红细胞压积均增高;与对照组比较差异有显著性(P<0.;01);
- Results1.At1h of heat stress,the whole blood viscosity slightly decreased,at2h of heat stress and heat acclimatization,the whole blood and plasma viscosity obviously rose. 结果1.;热应激组在受热1h组全血黏度有所下降; 受热2h组和热习服组全血黏度、血浆黏度均有明显升高 ;
- Methods:Whole blood viscosity at high and low shear rate (HBV,LBV),plasma viscosity (PV) and whole blood LPO were examined in 40 women with PIH and 30 normal late pregnant women. 方法随机选择妊高征患者40例(妊高征组)、正常晚期妊娠妇女30例(正常孕妇组),用硫代巴比妥酸比色法测定全血LPO水平,用粘度计测定高切、低切变率全血粘度及血浆粘度,分析血液粘度各指标与LPO水平的关系。
- Results The patients had higher plasma viscosity,erythrocyte sedimentation rate,K cost and hematocrit than normal controls,but they had lower red cell electrophoresis. 结果精神分裂症患者血液流变学,在抗精神病药物治疗前血浆粘度、血沉、血沉方程K值、红细胞变形指数明显高于正常值、而红细胞电泳时间低于正常标准。
- Results The ratio viscosity and reduced viscosity of whole blood, plasma viscosity and paced cell volume (PCV) in SD group were significantly higher than in controls ( P <0.01). 结果突聋组全血比粘度、全血还原比粘度、血浆粘度和红细胞压积均增高;与对照组比较差异有显著性(P<0.;01);
- Hemorheological parameters in uterine bleeding patients induced by intrauterine device were measured.It was observed that plasma viscosity was decreased significantly. 本文测定了安环所致子宫出血病人的血流变指标,发现安环所致子宫出血病人的血浆粘度明显下降。
- The thrombogenesis, blood viscosity, plasma viscosity, hematocrit, platelet aggregation in rats and microcirculation of bulbar conjunctiva in rabbits were determined. 观测大鼠体内血栓形成、大鼠血液黏度、血浆黏度、红细胞压积、血小板聚集率以及兔眼球结膜微循环障碍模型血流状态和毛细血管交点数变化。
- Methods The plasma viscosity and the blood fat index sign in the group of hyperlipideazmia and normal group (50 for each) were measured and the results were anlysed. 方法测定各型的高脂血症患者和正常对照者的血浆粘度和血脂指标(各50例),并对结果进行统计学分析。
- Their blood viscosity, plasm viscosity, red blood cell( RBC) deformed exponent were also measured. 检查全血粘度、浆粘度和红细胞变形指数。
- FBG and 2 h BG in treating groups were lower than control group (P<0. 05-0. 01). Blood viscosity, plasma viscosity, HCT and FIB in treating groups were lower than before treatment (P <0. 05-0. 01). 蚓激酶、血塞通、蚓激酶+血塞通3个治疗组空腹及3餐后2h血糖均明显低于对照组(P<0.;05-0