- plant something on someone 向某人栽赃
- I heard someone clicking off something on a typewriter in the next room. 我听到隔壁房里有人在打字机上打什么东西。
- I have to vent my spleen on someone. 我非得找个人出出气。
- Put something on someone's shoulders 肩负重任
- You are so bold that you never do something on second thought. 你太鲁莽,从来不知道深思熟虑后做事。
- The juror expertly answered the lawyer's questions and showed he had something on the ball. 陪审员巧妙地回答了律师的问题,显示出他很有才干。
- When I get frustrated and angry, I have to vent my spleen on someone. 我受尽挫折,怒火冲天时,禁不住想找谁发一顿脾气。
- She is writing something on a sheet of notepaper. 她在一张信纸上写东西。
- You can trust John; he's got something on the ball. 你可信赖约翰,他人精明能干。
- But he'll take out on someone else. 他会照样对付别人的。
- It was something on the order of a state park. 它是与州立公园相类似的场所。
- He hastily scrawled something on the paper. 他匆忙地在纸上潦草地写些什麽。
- Why don't you take on someone your own size? 你为何不找一个与你同样身材的人较量?
- Have you ever had a crush on someone? 你是否曾经迷恋过某个人?
- You've got something on the end of your nose. 你的鼻尖上有个东西。
- Get up on someone's shoulders and start flashing! 爬到别人的肩膀上开始翻滚!
- He glimpsed something on the edge of his vision. 他斜眼瞥见了点什么。
- Or gripe and complain, make life hard on someone. 也可以满腹牢骚,抱怨不停,让他人不悦。
- He pointed to something on the opposite bank. 他指向对岸的某样东西。
- Otherwise, turn your jealousy on someone else! 要不然,就把你的妒忌心转到别人身上去吧!