- plant historical geography 历史植物地理学
- Bibliography of Materials concerning Chinese Historical Geography. 描述:中国历史地理材料参考书目。
- Historical geography, now an established branch of learning in academia, is a combination of history and geography. 历史地理学是地理学的一个分支;它所研究的是历史时期的地理现象.
- The Wycliffe Historical Geography of Bible Lands, Pfeiffer,C.F.& Vos,H.F., Moody, 1967. 圣经地理-贝理丹尼著,吕荣辉译,文艺,1986
- In addition to Chinese historical geography, Hibino has also written extensively on Chinese calligraphy and painting. 除了中国历史地理学,日比野对中国的书法、绘画也有不少著作。
- From the view of historical geography, the evolutive stages of ecologic environment are as followi... 为改善本区生态环境,应树立人与自然共生、协调观念,建立合理的农业结构和作物布局。
- Robin A.Butlin(1993)Historical geography : through the gates of space and time, London: Edward Arnold. 阙维民(2000)历史地理学的观念:叙述、复原、构想,一版,浙江:浙江大学出版社。
- Robin A.Butlin(1993)Historical geography : through the gates of space and time, London: Edward Arnold. 阙维民(2000)历史地理学的观念:叙述;复原;构想;一版;浙江:浙江大学出版社.
- TAN Qi-xiang(ed). 1982. Atlas of Historical Geography of China [Z]. Cartographic Publishing House, Beijing (in Chinese). 谭其骧主编.;1982中国历史地理图集[Z]
- His great pioneering contribution to modern Chinese historical geography and his passionate patriotism make him a model researcher of the academic community. 他对我国现代历史地理学的兴起有开创之功,贡献巨大,其炽热的爱国情感、开阔的学术视野,堪称学术界的楷模。
- There should be a close relationship between Taiwan and Okinawa, including in race, historical geography, culture and national defense.After the Second World War, U. 然而,无论从人种、历史地理、文化、与国防等各个层面,台湾与冲绳社会之间却存在著紧密的关系。
- On Dec. 3rd, Peking University celebrated the 95th anniversary of birthday for Professor Hou Hengzhi, the founder of modern Chinese historical geography. 12月3日,北大为侯仁之先生举行了九十五华诞暨从教七十周年的庆祝活动。侯先生是中国现代历史地理学的开创者之一,国际知名的历史地理学家。
- You must steel your self for an ordeal: aside from studying physical geography, economic geography and historical geography, you will have to study anthropology and archaeology, and enter even further into dialectology. 你要下决心吃苦,除了自然地理、经济地理、历史地理,你还要学习人类学和考古学,你要把你学过的那些方言知识搞得更深入。
- As a conservative historian,he devoted to communicating and popularizing the knowledge of historical geography of China and foreign countries so as to let people know more about western geography. 作者以传播、普及中外历史地理知识为宗旨,向人们介绍西方史地学知识,并且将忧国意识与传统的史学方法融入撰写内容之中。
- The plant was growing at an angle. 植物呈一定角度生长。
- Gu Zuyu was not only a famous patriotic historical geographer and military strategist, but also a book compiler in the late Ming and early Qing Dynasty. 摘要顾祖禹是明末清初著名的历史地理学家,军事家,且是一位图书编撰家。
- From Dynastic Geography to Historical Geography 从王朝地理到历史地理
- The plant converts crude oil into gasoline. 这家工厂将原油加工成汽油。
- Now ordinary repairs can be handled in our plant. 现在一般的修理工作都可在我们厂进行了。