- Effect of plant community succession on soil chemical properties in Tiantong, Zhejiang Province. 浙江天童植物群落演替对土壤化学性质的影响。
- Relationship between plant community succession and fertility variation of mountain yellow soil in east Chongqing. 渝东山地黄壤肥力变化与植物群落演替的关系
- In drid regions humans must follow the rule of plant community succession to build vegetation of forests and grass. 在水土保持林草植被建设中,特别是在干旱地区,人们必须遵循而不能违背植物群落自然演替的规律。
- The Comprehensive Application of Fuzzy Aggregation Analysis and Ordination in the Plant Community Succession 模糊聚类和排序在植被演替研究中的综合应用
- Plant community succession of degradation and desertification in sandy grassland 沙质草原植物群落退化与沙化演替
- Competitive Characteristics of Dominant Species in Plant Community Succession Process in Inner-river Flood Plain Grassland in Zhenjiang 镇江内江河漫滩草地植物群落演替过程中优势种间的竞争特性
- Influence of Plant Community Succession on Soil Biological Properties During Subalpine Coniferous Plantation Rehabilitation in Western Sichuan 川西亚高山针叶林植物群落演替对生物学特性的影响
- Influence of Plant Community Succession on Soil Physical Properties during Subalpine Coniferous Plantation Rehabilitation in Western Sichuan 川西亚高山针叶林植物群落演替对土壤性质的影响
- Analysis of Vegetation Characters and Preliminary Study of Plant Community Succession on the Copper Tailing Yard in Pengzhou 四川彭州铜尾矿库植被特征分析与植物群落演替初探
- Hydrosere Any plant community in a succession that starts in fresh water. 水生演替系列:是起始于淡水中的植物群落演变更替。
- Plant community of Epimedium brevieornu Maxim. 淫羊藿群落
- plant community succession 植被演替
- Much dispute has centered on the nature of the plant community. 许多的争论集中于植物群落的性质。
- Analysis on succession for composition of plant community and its meteorological condition in region around Qinghai Lake. 环青海湖地区植物群体结构演替及其气象条件分析。
- Analysis of plant community successional series in the Ziwuling area on the Loess Plateau 黄土高原子午岭植物群落演替系列分析
- There are few plant communities in the desert. 沙漠中的植物群落少之又少。
- Grassland A major world plant community (biome) dominated by grasses (Poaceae). 草原:以禾本科草类(禾本科)为优势物种的植物群落(生物群系)。
- The impact of global change on net primary productivity (NPP) and community succession of salinized meadow in north of Tarim Basin was discussed. 本文探讨了全球变化对塔里木盆地北部盐化草甸净第一性生产力(NPP)和群落演替的影响。
- The fog nourishes plant communities from cactuses to ferns. 雾水滋养了那里的植物,包括仙人掌,蕨类植物。
- Abstract: The definitions, theories, research methods of four types of plant community dynamics , i.e. succession, regeneration, fluctuation, edge effect of community will be reviewed. 文摘:以植物群落动态的四种主要表现形式,即群落的演替、群落的更新、群落的波动以及边缘效应为内容,分别从它们的定义、理论、研究方法、研究现状及其发展等方面进行了综述。