- Research Progress of Biological Prevention of Plant Bacterial Wilt 植物细菌性青枯病的生物防治研究进展
- Advances in research on chemical and biological control of plant bacterial wilt 青枯病的化学与生物防治研究进展
- plant bacterial wilt 植物青枯病
- He says bunchy top disease and banana bacterial wilt can both affect ?entire plantations. 他表示束顶病和细菌性香蕉青枯病都会影响到整个农场。
- Strains WCS358::phl and Q2-87,both producing DAPG, were able to suppress eucalypt bacterial wilt effectively both in hydroponic and potting soil. WCS358::phl和Q2-87能够产生DAPG,在土壤和液体培养系统中都可以显著控制桉树青枯病的发生。
- Among the eucalypt diseased, bacterial wilt, little-leaf, seedling, brown spot, leaf rust, shoot blight, stem canker and butt rot are new disease records in Taiwan. 文内报导之桉树青枯病、小叶病、苗腐病、玫瑰桉叶斑病、叶锈病、枝枯病、溃疡病及冠腐病等均为本省之新记录病害。
- Bacterial wilt caused by Ralstonia solanacearum is a primary disease to Eucalyptus.The occurrence in Eucalyptus has brought great damages in south provinces of China. 摘要桉树青枯病害是危害桉树生产的主要病害,近年来桉树青枯病的流行和发生对我国南方桉树产业造成很大经济损失。
- The mutation occurred on part bacterial strains of chronic bacterial wilt pathogens cultured on artificial medium, with pathogenicity weakening and even losing. [方法]从广西上思县2种发病症状的桉树病株根上收集青枯病病原菌,按柯赫原则研究其致病性。
- It is a new method and promising approach to control plant bacterial diseases by quenching bacterial quorum sensing through biotechnology. 利用现代生物技术手段人为地操纵细菌群体感应系统,将会成为提高植物抗病性的新方法、新途径。
- He says bunchy top disease and banana bacterial wilt can both affect entire plantations. Not only are farm incomes affected, but so are local food supplies. 他说集束病和香蕉病毒性枯萎都可以使整个耕地受影响。不仅农业收入受到影响,当地的食物安全也是如此。
- Early maturity F1 hybrid with mild pungency, cannon shape fruit with single fruit weighting between100-160g, high resistant to TMV and Bacterial Wilt, standing better for transportation and storage. 早熟微辣型泡椒F1,果形锥牛角形;果长20-24厘米;果宽4.;8-5
- More than 30 kinds of diseases and pests have been reported, but the damage of sweetpotato black rot, sweetpotato root rot, sweetpotato stem nematode and sweetpotato bacterial wilt is serious. 我国甘薯病虫害危害严重,已经发现报导的有30多种,其中发生比较广泛、为害比较严重的有甘薯黑斑病、甘薯根腐病、甘薯瘟病、甘薯茎线虫病。
- Early maturity F1 hybrid with mild pungency, cannon shape fruit with single fruit weighting between100-150g, resistant to TMV and Bacterial Wilt, standing better in transportation and storage.d. 早熟微辣型泡椒F1,果形锥牛角形,膨果速度快,果长20-22厘米;果宽4.;5-5
- Reported diseases include crown gall, bacterial wilt, little-leaf, seedling blight, angular leaf spot, leaf spot, brown spot, leaf rust, grey mold, shoot blight, stem canker, and butt rot. 苗腐病、角斑病、叶斑病、玫瑰桉叶斑病、叶锈病、灰黴病、褐斑病、枝枯病、溃疡病及冠腐病等真菌性病害;
- Luo K,Wang Z.Investigation on controlling of Bacterial wilt with antagonistic Pseudomonas spp and avirulent bacteriocinogenic strain of P.solanacearum[J].Acta Phytopathologica Sinica,1983,13(1):51-55. [1]罗宽;王庄.;利用拮抗的Pseudomonas spp和无致病力的P
- The effect of infection of root-knot nematodes on the incidence of bacterial wilt was discussed from the view of the difference of incidence of bacterial wilt and the change of relative conductance. [方法]选用西粉3号番茄在试验基地进行基质栽培试验,从青枯病发病率的差异和相对电导率的差异的角度,探讨根结线虫的入侵对青枯病发生的影响,并对合肥地区侵染番茄的根结线虫进行鉴定。
- Here introduces in detail the symptoms of tobacco bacterial wilt, pathogenic bacteria, infestation cycle, nosogenesis, occurrence condition, prevention and cure method and its prospect. 因此,加强烤烟青枯病综合防治,对烤烟的可持续发展至关重要。
- Our reseacher in phytopathology have had a lot of work for it.This paper reseach advances for Bacterial Wilt of Ginger in Pathogen,occurrence regulation,control and so on,were overviewed . 中国植病工作者对此病害作了大量的研究工作,对中国姜瘟病的病原菌、发病规律、及防治等研究进展作一综述。
- The plant was growing at an angle. 植物呈一定角度生长。
- a bacterial wilt of tobacco plants. 烟草类植物的病菌性枯萎。