- A place of worship in an institution, such as a prison, college, or hospital. 礼拜堂某一机构,如监狱、大学或医院里的附属教堂
- A place of worship that is smaller than and subordinate to a church. 小教堂附属于大教堂的比其小的做礼拜的地方
- A place of worship in an institution,such as a prison,college,or hospital. 礼拜堂某一机构,如监狱、大学或医院里的附属教堂。
- A place of worship for those not belonging to an established church. 教堂那些不属于国教的教堂。
- A choir or orchestra connected with a place of worship at a royal court. 唱诗班,管弦乐队宫廷小教堂的唱诗班或管弦乐队。
- The Hindu Temple is an approved place of worship for the performance of marriages under the Marriage Ordinance (Chapter 181). 印度庙是一处认可的崇拜地方,依据《婚姻条例》(第181章),可供教友举行结婚典礼。
- This former place of worship is one of the earliest and best-known pre-Columbian sites. 这里的斜坡和广场周围都是石头建筑,伴有大量兽形装饰物,景物别致多姿。
- It remains a place of worship to which pilgrims come from Madagascar and elsewhere. 蓝山也一直是马达加斯加和世界各地朝圣者前往朝拜的地方。
- The temple which the archaeologists explored was used as a place of worship from the fifteenth century B. C. until Roman times. 考古学家们所考察的这座古庙,从公元前十五世纪一直到罗马时代都被用作做礼拜的场所。
- Arthur, who, from habitual reverence and feeling, was always more than respectful in a place of worship. 至于亚瑟,他出自习惯造成的虔诚和感觉,一跨进礼拜堂,就会肃然起敬。
- He fortifies the place of worship against evil forces by drawing around it circles of fire and water. 他在崇拜的地方设立防范,避免邪恶力量围在火与水周围。
- The Pyramid is a place of worship to honour the Gods, and is a suitably impressive structure to reflect its importance. 金字塔是膜拜诸神的宗教场所,外表极为雄伟壮观,以此彰显其重要性。
- She became an object of worship. 她成了一个被崇拜的对象。
- Establishes a punishment for the crime of intentional arson of a place of worship. 明确了对在做礼拜的地方犯下故意纵火罪的处罚。
- Being as fastidious as she was, Psyche straightened up the messy place of worship. 一向追求完美的她将凌乱的祭祀场地清理干净。
- Putuo Mountain becomes a busy and crowded place of worship for Buddhists and all snakes then disappear from sight. 从此,普陀山上香火旺盛,蛇的踪影也随之不见了。
- After that, Putuo Mountain becomes a busy and crowded place of worship for Buddhists and all snakes then disappear from sight. 从此,普陀山上香火旺盛,蛇的踪影也随之不见了。
- In the end they reached a place of safety. 他们终于到达了一个安全的地方。
- She was careful not to appoint the place of worship which she usually visited, and where, as she said, the congregation would have spied upon her. 她很小心,没有挑她常去做礼拜的那个地方,因为,她说,那里做礼拜的人也许会盯她的梢。
- The temple which the archaeologists explored was used as a place of worship from the fifteenth century B.C. until Roman times. 考古工作者考察的这座庙宇从公元前15世纪直至罗马时代一直是祭祀祈祷的场所。