- The children were in a high pitch of excitement. 孩子们高度兴奋。
- The pitch of a voice or other sound. 声高嗓音或其他声音的音高
- He was wound up to a high pitch of excitement. 他极为兴奋。
- On the very first pitch of the game,he got a hit. 在比赛一开始所投出的第一球,他就击出安打。
- pitch of sleepers 轨枕间距
- Cry out at the utmost pitch of one's voice. 尽量地大声叫。
- On the very first pitch of the game, he got a hit. 在比赛一开始所投出的第一球,他就击出安打。
- The pitch of a siren is usually sharp. 警报器的声音总是很尖利。
- But then researchers tried interrupting the dreams of sleepers. 然而,后来研究人员试着打搅那些人的梦。
- The particular or relative pitch of a word,phrase,or sentence. 音调某个单词、词组或句子的特定或相对调
- The speech inflamed the crowd to a high pitch of fury. 演讲使群情异常激愤。
- Raising the pitch of the voice at the end of a restatement. 在复述结束时提高声音。
- Lie, the: The world of Sleepers, ignorant to magic and the supernatural. 谎言:沉睡者的世界,对魔法及超自然事物一无所知。
- Obtains the air distribution in the compartment of sleeper railway cars by the CFD simulation and experiment. 采用CFD模拟和试验相结合的方法分析了卧铺车厢的气流组织特性。
- On the very first pitch of the game,he got a safety hit. 比赛一开始投出的第一球,他就击出安打。
- To be used where pitch of coarse thread is too large. 粗牙螺距太大时采用。
- The music rises up to the wildest pitch of stormy excitement. 这时音乐急促强劲到极点,犹如暴风骤雨一般。
- You can adjust the speed, volume, or pitch of the voice. 您可以调整速度、音量或音调。
- Used on nominally flat roofs up to a maximum pitch of five degrees. 使用在有名无实地屋顶平台由最大五个程度轴节决定。
- Chantry houses tend to resemble community hangouts, jam-session rooms or fraternity houses more than magical workplaces, and they're often inhabited by several Cultists and a handful of Sleepers. 他们总是倾向于把即兴摇滚演奏会或者某某协会大厅之类的地方当作据点,完全没有魔法的气氛。而且他们总是几个人为单位和一小群沉睡者聚居。