- Straightedge rule (square rule, slide gauge, inside and outside micrometer, steel tape, feeler, dial gauge, depth micrometer, wire gage, radius gage, thread pitch gage) is a kind of common measuring tool. 直尺(角尺、游标卡尺、内径和外径千分尺、钢卷尺、塞尺、千分表、深度千分尺、线规、半径规、螺距规)是一种常用量具。
- Straightedge rule (square rule slide gauge inside and outside micrometer steel tape feeler dial gauge depth micrometer wire gage radius gage thread pitch gage) is a kind of common measuring tool. 直尺(角尺、游标卡尺、内径和外径千分尺、钢卷尺、塞尺、千分表、深度千分尺、线规、半径规、螺距规)是一种常用量具。
- She has keyed the piano up to concert pitch. 她已经把钢琴的音调升到音乐会的音高标准。
- The runner went to second base on a wild pitch. 一记瞎设让跑垒员跑上了第二垒。
- The coach built the team up to a fighting pitch. 教练使全队振作起来,准备一搏。
- The pitcher tends to pitch the ball too high. 这个投球手常把球掷得过高。
- Poor Bill, all his things are at gage. 可怜的比尔,他所有的东西都当掉了。
- They that touch pitch will be defiled. 近墨者黑。
- Does the lender require any gage for the loan? 贷方要求这笔贷款要有抵押品吗?
- We planned to pitch our camps in the mountains. 我们计划在山里扎营。
- The speaker brought the crowd to fever pitch. 演讲者激起群众高昂的情绪。
- The fans rushed onto the pitch in an excited mob. 球迷群情激昂,一窝蜂涌进球场。
- Let's pitch out the troublemakers. 把这些捣乱分子赶出去。
- That's only an economy at fever pitch. 那只不过是种过热的经济而已。
- His reproachful gage speared into my heart. 他那谴责的目光直刺我的心。
- A high pitch that is lobbed to the batter. 击出高飞球一个过高的冲向击球员的高飞球
- The children were in a high pitch of excitement. 孩子们高度兴奋。
- Her voice dropped to a lower pitch. 她的声调低了下来。
- He thought it was time that he throw down the gage to his opponent. 他认为向对手挑战的时候到了。
- Touch pitch, and you will be defiled. 近朱者赤,近墨者黑。