- piston ring type seal 涨圈型密封环
- Design Practice of Metallic Contact Seal of Piston Ring Type 金属涨圈接触式密封设计实践
- JiangSu Yizheng Wellong Piston Ring Co., Ltd. 江苏仪征威龙活塞环有限公司。
- Nanjing Feiyan Piston Ring Co., Ltd. 南京飞燕活塞环股份有限公司。
- Kaifeng Dongri Piston Ring Manufacture Co., Ltd. 开封市东日活塞环制造有限公司。
- A new type of compositive piston ring has been developed for overcoming problems of nomal piston ring's early-worn, air and oil leakage. 摘要新型组合式活塞环的研究从提高内燃机的密封性著手,解决了其早磨、漏气、漏油等难题。
- Piston rings require an oil film between ring and liner and between ring and piston groove to seal against these high pressures and to prevent blowby. 为了密封,在活塞环与连杆之间、活塞环与或活塞槽之间需要一层油膜以承受住这些高压、阻止漏气。
- Our main prvduct include:“O”type Ring, “V”type ring and “U”type ring, shim;rubber cap, Ripple copulation tube, valve plat absorber.Rubber baton and kinds of hetero type and kinds of hetero type seal. 最近,公司又开发成功了浇注型聚氨脂系列新产品,并且已经投入批量生产。
- Labyrinth seal and piston ring provide a dual sealing system, keeping oil clean and reducing wear. 曲径汽封和活塞环提供了双密封系统,使油保持洁净并减少磨损。
- These bands are called piston rings. 这些圈叫做活塞环。
- It is equipped with piston rings to provide a good seal between the cylinder wall and piston. 上面装有活塞环,从而使活塞和气缸壁之间具有良好的密封性。
- ring type seals 圆环式密封装置
- Contrary to popular belief, piston rings don't seal the combustion pressure by spring tension. 和人们认为的不同,活塞环不能靠弹簧张力来密封燃烧室的压力。
- In the design of balanced seal,the barrel type seal has adopted a new-type material of wear resistant corundum to enable no failure for many years. 在平衡密封设计中,筒式釉封采用了新型耐磨金刚砂材料,具有常年无故障性能。
- The frictional power consumption in piston ring group were analyzed. 分析了活塞环组的摩擦损失,研究了活塞环的结构变化。
- The selection of apparatus to measure piston ring height is introdueed in this paper.The structure and principle of a new type of apparatus to measure poston ring height are discussed. 主要介绍了活塞环高度测量器具的选择以及新型活塞环高度测微仪的结构和原理。
- The toolbar contains four ring types and seven wheel types. 工具栏包含四个环类型和七个轮类型。
- Large stuffing box accommodates all packing arrangements, including live-loaded design and lantern ring type for severe services. 大型填料函可适应所有填料配置排列,包括适用于严酷应用环境的动负载结构和套环。
- It is pointed out that the lower concentricity of bearing bearer,larger interspace of radial labyrinth type seal and irrationality of oil selecting are the principal causes of bearing failures. 而热锯上轴承座为剖分式焊接结构,因而上箱体(轴承座)同心度太低。